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[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] nn Chart 1: A discrepancy of beliefs n Here is a chart of some findings from the recently-released Speak Up 2007 surveys of nearly 368,000 […]
Despite the recent truce between the government and the Huthis in the north, things are far from settled.Today, the Huthis announced that they were vacating 20 positions around the city […]
Well, we’ve reached the holidays again, so Eruptions will be heading off on its annual Holiday break. After this rather busy semester – academically, professionally and volcanically – I need […]
Ruapehu, in New Zealand, is starting to show signs it may erupt in the near future. It is a fairly active volcano, last erupting in Septemeber of 2007, but it […]
Shiveluch continues its noisy summer, we hope to avoid unnecessary noise at Crater Lake National Park and former noise spotted on Mars.