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Twenty-five years after the Soviet-era meltdown drove 60,000 people from their homes in the Ukraine, a rebirth is taking place creating an unlikely refuge for Europe’s strangest wildlife.
n Ahead of the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show in January, Threadless recently announced the winner of the Threadless Loves Innovation t-shirt design contest. Deborah Kassoff, a member of the judging […]
John Stuart Mill, in his classic defense of liberty, argued that each individual is the best guardian of his or her own interests. But recent research suggests that we can use some help.
I know Greg posted below about Christopher Boucek’s Carnegie piece, but having read it last night I want to doubly endorse it. It is a large overview, but unlike many […]
The industrialized world is aging, but perhaps there is cause to celebrate. Stefany Anne Golberg at The Smart Set sees a future of technological wonder and wise elders.
Insects’ benefits are valued at £134bn and coral’s at £109bn in a pioneering report equating biodiversity to cash in the hope of encouraging conservation.