If you haven’t yet had an iPod, Mac computer, or other Apple product expire on you (hopefully not mid-jog, as mine did – a real let-down), you’re in a small […]
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You searched for: energy
Behavioral Psychologist Dan Ariely has some ideas on how to get us to reduce our carbon footprints.
5 min
Randy Kennedy’s “The Free-Appropriation Writer,” in today’s New York Times Week in Review, considers the ever-sensitive spectrum of borrowing (said another way, flattery; said another way, plagiarism) that has historically […]
Pet owners keeping watch on the girth of their furry friends are faced with “confusing two-fold variation in calorie density, recommended intake and cost” of low-calorie pet foods.
The Hubble Telescope has taken the earliest snapshots of galaxies in the universe’s infancy, about 600 million years after the Big Bang.
It was only a matter of time before internet users used their “collective energy” to make a collaborative work of literature, writes The Independent.
America, we often hear, doesn’t make things any more. The drop in manufacturing is sometimes blamed on free trade agreements and is seen as part of our long-term economic decline. […]
John Edgar Wideman has always been one of my literary heroes, from the top of his prematurely bald head, a smooth brown dome towering six feet five inches into the […]
President Barack Obama used his first State of the Union address last night to rally his party with rhetoric and stress that in spite of setbacks “We don’t quit. I don’t quit.”
False claims made by the U.N. Panel on Climate Change about the rate of Himalayan glacial melting were used to win governmental grants and have embarrassed the scientific body.
Historian Nancy Koehn sat down with Big Think to talk about the future of business. In this video, she addresses the matter as it pertains to our workforce’s youngest generation: […]
Boeing’s new aircraft is an ambitious engineering feat that sets new standards for air travel in terms of energy efficiency and design—Airbus, eat your heart out.
Only time will tell how historic Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts may prove to be, but for now its effects can clearly be seen rippling through both parties, as Republicans […]
13 billion years later, experimenters at UC Berkeley have recreated conditions one millionth of a second after the Big Bang when bizarre plasma filled the universe.
The huge snowstorms that hit the mid-Atlantic states may have done more than just close roads and schools. They may also have had a chilling effect on climate change legislation […]
President Karzai has submitted a new list of prospective cabinet ministers to the Afghan parliament after many of his first choices were rejected but the new list is not immune to criticism.
Hopes of an early economic recovery on Main Street were dashed after 85,000 jobs were reportedly lost during December.
Do-It-Yourself retail stores will soon be stocking solar panels so climate change-conscious customers can pop sustainability into their trolleys and wheel it home.
If you mix salt water with fresh water you create instant carbon-neutral energy – the process is called osmotic power and the world’s first osmotic power plant has just opened.
A tiny pellet the size of a multi-vitamin could provide an endless supply of safe, clean energy – But is this unrealistic optimism?
Last month, the EPA finally, officially, publicly, decided that greenhouse gas emissions do pose a threat to the environment and to human health and wellbeing. Groups like the Environmental Defense […]
Researchers who followed Blondie suggest that rock and roll drummers get an aerobic and anaerobic workout just like elite athletes.
“Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.” —Oscar Wilde If I may borrow a word from this Oscar Wilde quote, I believe the Supreme […]
Last month, Dr. Jack Miller, president of Central Connecticut State University, released a national study revealing which US cities (population greater than 250,000) are, by his measures, most literate. Those […]
Nearly 1,000 people were arrested in the Danish capital last night while protesting the lack of progress at the U.N. Climate Change Conference.
The biographer of the late Edward Kennedy says that the senator would have supported the healthcare bill currently before the Senate.
President Obama’s poll numbers slipped dramatically over his first year in office. Since last February, the percent of Americans who say they approve of his performance has fallen twenty points. […]
The former CEO of Mexico City’s Urban Development Corporation feels a tremendous energy in modern New York. But an over-reliance on the financial industry, he warns, will leave it vulnerable […]
5 min
Overlooked in much of the post-State-of-the-Union discussion was President Obama’s renewed insistence on bringing America’s rail system up to speed for the first time in decades. Amid the countless issues […]
It looks like Paul Volcker’s pleas are finally being heard in the Obama Administration. Volcker, a past Fed Chairman, has been advocating for a tighter rein on financial institutions since […]