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When Scott first invited me to contribute a post in response to “What Does Every Administrator Need from Teachers” I immediately thought about the “Seven Gifts of El Milagro” that […]
Greg mentioned below that there is news about the Huthi rebellion being drowned out a little by all the AQAP coverage. For those new to the blog, we won’t get […]
Headline! Shi’ites Warn Of New War In YemenLede! “The Iranian-sponsored Shi’ite revolt could again erupt inYemen.”If you follow Yemen, you probably know there are a few things wrong here. If […]
We seem to have fallen into a pattern here: Greg provides the judicious review of breaking events, and I am the bearded wierdo on the corner yelling “Doom! Doom!”. If […]
Below, I briefly discussed an article abstract by MEED, a subscription to which costs some 1200 bones. Valued reader David, however, saved the day by providing a link to Google’s […]
Do we pay top executives too little? That, as Tyler Cowen points out, is the question raised by a recent paper by Bang Dang Nguyen and Kaspar Meisner Nielsen. The […]
“How does religious ritual preserve humanity from chaos and entropy?” Yale professor of computer science David Gelernter says religious ceremony makes life beautiful.
I am back from my trek through the Oregon and California Cascades – including stops at Lassen Peak/Chaos Crags, Hood, Three Sisters and Crater Lake (an added bonus). I’ll try […]