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Critics both left and right (such as Timothy Noah) are pretty down on the president’s acceptance speech.  The consensus is that Obama’s speech was easily the weakest of the convention’s […]
According to Jaron Lanier, the right way to think about Alan Turing’s famous “Turing Test” is to understand that it “began in the mind of somebody who was very close to suicide,” and that this test amounted to “a flight from life, but also a defense of life.” 
Would you eat a thick, juicy steak? What if it were grown in a lab and printed using new 3D printing techniques originally developed to grow regenerative tissue for medical purposes? Thanks […]
The scary thing for the Democrats is that Ryan might really appeal to the Millennial Generation—also known lately as the Screwed Generation. Older Americans, of course, are worried that some […]
There’s a lot of talk about transparency these days. In the internet age we are letting it all hang out—whatever it is—for better and for worse. And it looks like […]
Matt Yglesias replies to an argument from Mike Konczal: Mike Konczal has a fairly compelling argument that it would make sense to dismantle the entire crazy quilt of “submerged state” […]
So I’ve gotten some touching emails asking whether I was sick or dead because I hadn’t blogged for almost a whole week.  Well, I was sick with an unfashionable or […]
Millions of people log on to Lumosity daily to flex their brain muscles–and hopefully improve memory, attention and general cognitive performance in the process.  But this brain training site has […]