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An article published in The Telegraph over a month ago remains on The Telegraph website with a headline that is so spectacularly incorrect that the BBC has reported that the article […]
With a tween in the house I’ve rediscovered the ruthless economy of cool. I’ve remembered that cool is as unforgiving of bad timing as the stock market. One minute the […]
Forced compromise is not enough: in order to reinvigorate our economy and change the trajectory of our unsustainable budget, America needs to confront fundamental flaws in its investment tax policies […]
I’m generally not so big in thinking in terms of decades or generations or centuries or hunks of time in general. Consider the Sixties.  Is that decade really characterized by […]
Behind this phenomenon — which I call internship-snobbery — is a deep anxiety. Wary of an increasingly competitive labor market, students engage in the subconscious act of hypercritical inquiry in an attempt to “size-up” their immediate competition.   
I’ve been thinking a lot this week about assumptions.  Especially when it comes to trying to study bold, complicated and human constructs like love, empathy and creativity in the brain. […]
There’s been talk in California, Germany, and elsewhere of outlawing circumcision. The only justification, the thinking goes, is religious dogma.  And that’s not a good enough reason in a secular […]