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You searched for: positive thinking

In a sign of just how sensitive it is to what I will call Islamist criticisms, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula wasted little time in responding to what it called […]
The sub-title to this piece is “Patient-Advocates as Harbringers of Hope in the Health Care System.” n Disclaimer: I am a Libertarian-Progressive. I generally trust markets more than I trust […]
For those of you interested in more on the confessions of Muhammad al-‘Awfi, and judging from my in-box there are a number of you, should all check out this transcript […]
There have been a number of articles about Yemen in recent days. (Waq al-waq even put in an appearance on the pages of the Washington Post.) Most have been nonsense, […]
I was going to leave this alone, as I am worried about turning Waq al-waq into a place that only critiques the media and has nothing positive to offer, but […]