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You searched for: positive thinking

It’s tough to know when to scale back. We have causes and people that we’re committed to, responsibilities that we want to fulfill, teams that we want to support, and […]
China’s People’s Daily (big fan of the glorious voice of the proletariat here) is reporting that five Filipino nurses, held hostage in Sa’dah, have been released. This followed “successful negotiations […]
In the past few weeks I have received thank you notes from three current or former students. Here’s one example: nn During this week of giving thanks, I am certainly […]
Dr. Rosabeth Moss Kanter , who is perhaps our nation’s leading expert on organizational change, outlines ten reasons that drive resistance to educational change initiatives: Surprise, Surprise! Decisions or requests […]
1. The Tea Partiers–and many other conservatives–distinguish between the view of our Founders (good) and that of the Progressives (bad).  The Progressives (beginning around the turn of the 20th century) […]