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You searched for: Computers

It’s tough to know when to scale back. We have causes and people that we’re committed to, responsibilities that we want to fulfill, teams that we want to support, and […]
One of the most important issues in K-12 technology right now is the lack of engagement of administrators who are in formal positions of authority. For example, you can go […]
Sorry about the lack of updates – I’ve had some computer-related issues here at the AGU 2010 meeting, but hopefully tomorrow I can highlight some cool stuff I’ve learned about […]
I’ve been wanting to write this piece for a long time, but never figured out the right outlet.  This blog, however, is a great space for me to try it […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] nn We can imagine a continuum of frequency of technology usage that looks something like this (click on image for larger version): n n People […]
Susan Funk , in her spiritedly assertive comment to my recent post on Kelly Christopherson , said, “Hey! I want some feedback on my recent blog post !” So here […]
Ices stripped off a long-lost moon may have provided the raw materials for Saturn’s rings and inner satellites before the Titan-twin slammed into its mother planet, new research shows.
My Birthday Party is this Saturday (the 18th of October) at MR and is in celebration of Barack Obama. Come listen to music (Dave Lowensohn of Speechwriters LLC is playing […]