Robot developers adapt the behavior of worm “blobs”.
Max Planck Institute scientists crash into a computing wall there seems to be no way around.
Boston Dynamics’ notorious robot goes on an interplanetary mission.
A new MIT report proposes how humans should prepare for the age of automation and artificial intelligence.
They’re made from stretchy, electroactive polymer films.
Some say the proliferation of sex robots could lead to less demand for prostitution, but not all agree.
Miles away from the site of the site of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in South Korea, eight teams raced skiing robots down a mountain for a chance to win $10,000.
It takes an average of 7.5 months to build a single-family home. A Ukrainian startup has cut that timeframe down to just 8 hours.
UC Berkeley researchers create a robot that learns by playing and can predict the future of its actions.
This remarkable breakthrough is sure to usher in a new generation of robots.
It’s not just for the lols. If you’re up for some soul-searching, they need you to contribute to this MIT research survey…
A “forbidden research” conference at MIT tackles areas of science constrained by ethical, cultural and institutional restrictions.
The driverless car is coming – but what will *you* being doing in your self-driving car? Robotic cars will give rise to a new ridership economy of on-the-go services and experiences.