The new record-holder opens up a literal Universe full of possibilities. Someday, even our own Sun will eventually run out of hydrogen fuel in its core, bringing a tremendous set […]
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An effect called the “urban heat island” means that temperatures are often 10 degrees higher in cities, according to NASA.
If the laws of physics are symmetrical as we think they are, then the Big Bang should have created matter and antimatter in the same amount.
We’ve already observed three cases where it’s happened. When you look at an object in space, it’s pretty easy to tell if it’s a star or a planet. Stars are […]
After decades of development, whether NASA’s Webb succeeds or fails all comes down to five critical milestones that are only days away.
His grandfather, a member of Oppenheimer’s atomic bomb team, foresaw the potential of nuclear energy to power cities — not destroy them.
Michael Faraday’s 1834 law of induction was the key experiment behind the eventual discovery of relativity. Einstein admitted it himself.
More than two years after JWST began science operations, our Universe now looks very different. Here are its biggest science contributions.
The discovery calls into question the few things scientists know about these powerful astronomical phenomena.
When Cameroon’s Lakes Monoun and Nyos exploded, they released clouds of carbon dioxide that suffocated everything in its wake.
Jains believe that karma weighs the soul down. This can be overcome through extreme asceticism, in which one slowly withdraws from life.
With LEDs bringing brighter nighttime lighting than ever before, and thousands of new satellites polluting the skies, astronomy needs help.
A clock, designed and built in Europe, ran hopelessly at the wrong rate when brought to America. The physics of gravity explains why.
There are many theories of gravity out there, and many interpretations of wide binary star data. What have we really learned from it all?
The evidence that the Universe is expanding is overwhelming. But how? By stretching the existing space, or by creating new space itself?
Parents want the best for their kids, but resilience helps children better cope with life’s unavoidable challenges.
By probing the Universe on atomic scales and smaller, we can reveal the entirety of the Standard Model, and with it, the quantum Universe.
Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is both completely normal and absolutely remarkable in a number of ways. Here’s the story of our cosmic home.
Saturn’s Iapetus, discovered way back in 1671, has three bizarre features that science still can’t fully explain.
Everything we observe beyond our Local Group is speeding away from us, omnidirectionally. If the Universe is expanding, where is the center?
On New Year’s Eve 1899, the captain of this Pacific steamliner sailed into history. Or did he?
The atmosphere’s habitable zone is so small, several mountain ranges extend beyond it.
The first world that humans should inhabit beyond the Earth is the Moon, not Mars. Here’s why terraforming our lunar neighbor is so appealing.
Hubble’s still going strong after 31+ years. James Webb will never make it that long. Every decision that’s made — in both astronomy and in life — comes with its own set of pros and […]
There’s a quantum limit to how precisely anything can be measured. By squeezing light, LIGO has now surpassed all previous limitations.
The right questions are those sparked from the joy of discovery.
The meaning of the cryptic text has eluded scholars for centuries. Their latest efforts include computational analyses seeking new insights into the medieval enigma.
Break into London Zoo? Illegal, but it would improve the London Circle Walk
Quantum entanglement may remain spooky, but it has a very practical side.