We’ve already observed three cases where it’s happened. When you look at an object in space, it’s pretty easy to tell if it’s a star or a planet. Stars are […]
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Astronomers have been looking for radio waves sent by a distant civilization for more than 60 years.
In terms of the planets we’ve discovered, super-Earths are by far the most common. What does that mean for the Universe?
Unexpected images of galaxies from the James Webb Space Telescope do not disprove the Big Bang. There are other likelier explanations.
60% of all potentially dangerous asteroids remain undetected.
The Universe is an amazing place. Under the incredible, infrared gaze of JWST, it’s coming into focus better than ever before.
Volcanic activity caused the end-Triassic mass extinction 200 million years ago. The dinosaurs survived and rose to dominance.
Electromagnetism, both nuclear forces, and even the Higgs force are mediated by known bosons. What about gravity? Does it require gravitons?
For nearly 60 years, the hot Big Bang has been accepted as the best story of our cosmic origin. Could the Steady-State theory be possible?
The majority of the matter in our Universe isn’t made of any of the particles in the Standard Model. Could the axion save the day?
After decades of development, whether NASA’s Webb succeeds or fails all comes down to five critical milestones that are only days away.
There’s an extra source of massive “stuff” in our Universe beyond what gravitation and normal matter can explain. Could light be the answer?
Due to a crust of carbon, the absence of oxygen, and constant bombardment from meteorites, the planet Mercury may be littered with diamonds.
Beyond stars, galaxies, and gravity, studying the fundamental workings of nature reveals widely applicable lessons for learners everywhere.
Jains believe that karma weighs the soul down. This can be overcome through extreme asceticism, in which one slowly withdraws from life.
“I am an anthropologist, and for years, I have spoken to people who have had these experiences.”
Nagomi helps us find balance in discord by unifying the elements of life while staying true to ourselves.
Hubble’s still going strong after 31+ years. James Webb will never make it that long. Every decision that’s made — in both astronomy and in life — comes with its own set of pros and […]
Inflation, dark matter, and string theory are all proposed extensions to the prior consensus picture. But what does the evidence say?
How two seemingly distinct exoplanet systems turned out to be related. Practically every star in the Milky Way has a similar origin story. At some point in the past, a molecular […]
You would think that with all our technology, like the James Webb Space Telescope, we would know how big the Universe is. But we don’t.
An effect called the “urban heat island” means that temperatures are often 10 degrees higher in cities, according to NASA.
The atmosphere’s habitable zone is so small, several mountain ranges extend beyond it.
Saturn’s Iapetus, discovered way back in 1671, has three bizarre features that science still can’t fully explain.
The first world that humans should inhabit beyond the Earth is the Moon, not Mars. Here’s why terraforming our lunar neighbor is so appealing.
In 1957, humanity launched our first satellite; today’s number is nearly 10,000, with 500,000+ more planned. Space is no longer pristine.
The Schumann resonances are the background hum of the entire planet. But they don’t affect humans in any way.
A longstanding mismatch between theory and experiment motivated an exquisite muon measurement. At last, a theoretical solution has arrived.
So far, gravitational waves have revealed stellar mass black holes and neutron stars, plus a cosmic background. So much more is coming.