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Ross Douthat has written on the revival of Marxism as a seductive theory in the wake of burgeoning economic inequality and the withering away of the middle class. He might […]
As I’ve said before, my home away from home is Panera Bread.  It has a fireplace with real gas logs, couches, and a leisurely and rather personal environment.  It’s a […]
Your first philosophers: Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca, and one strange new face. Why the first books people read about Stoicism should be by one of these guys. On Stoicism Graduation season […]
What researchers are calling “cosmology’s missing link” has been detected, providing a “smoking gun” for the Big Bang Theory. Discovery reports: For the first time, scientists have found direct evidence […]
How was Earth’s most well-known precious metal made? “Don’t gain the world and lose your soul;wisdom is better than silver or gold.” –Bob Marley Throughout all of recorded human history, there’s […]
This could be a photograph snapped during a family vacation to the Grand Canyon. These are the tire-tracks of the car-sized Mars rover Curiosity. NASA reports that the future Pixar […]
We are all good at reacting and responding, putting out fires, and crisis management. In addition, organizations large and small have learned how to be lean and agile, and how […]
Need help getting through the final month of winter? Toughen up by reflecting on the wisdom of Bruce Lee, a self-made action star who commanded Hollywood to come to him. […]
We’re told that our high-tech meritocracy based on productivity is the source of our enlightenment when it comes to our resolute opposition to racism, sexism, and heterosexism.  Certainly the demands […]
‘Religion’ is a Western word and concept. There’s only one “Religion” -this category. Naturally the West will generously promote “religious freedom” as long as terms and conditions apply: We are […]