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A Dutch designer wants to take the elements that make jellyfish glow and apply them to trees. Daan Roosegaarde envisions trees serving as streetlights one day. With the help of […]
Alan Alda recently challenged scientists to explain this simple question to 11-year-olds in less than 300 words. Could you do it? “You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work […]
Around 25 million light-years from the constellation Canes Venatici in the northern sky, the Sunflower Galaxy clearly deserves its nickname. The flower-looking bright spiral galaxy is nearly 100,000 light-years across, […]
This stunning image may hold interesting insight into the formation of our own Sun. But NASA scientists have trouble researching NGC 1333 due to the pervasive pesky stardust that hides […]
The polar ring galaxy may actually be two galaxies that are gravitationally pulled together. When this happens, an unusual ring of gas and stars rotate around the poles of what […]
The Running Chicken is a goofy name for such a beautiful emission nebula. The moniker is a fitting one considering that this “chicken is laying eggs” that may form into […]
CAMBRIDGE – Eurozone leaders continue to debate how best to reinvigorate economic growth, with French and Italian leaders now arguing that the eurozone’s rigid “fiscal compact” should be loosened. Meanwhile, […]
Incredible photos of the “blood moon” on April 15th show that the lunar eclipse was quite dramatic, as of course expected. Tuesday’s reddish moon is the first in a series […]