Will homo sapiens define a geological period in the way dinosaurs—and their vanishing act—helped mark the Jurassic and the Cretaceous? Yes, say scientists, for better or worse.
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You searched for: ice
It’s not Dr. Seuss. But Go the F*** to Sleep is extremely powerful, and it’s extremely powerful for an audience who has supported and stomached and loved and memorized-to-the-point-of-loving-slightly-less the […]
What if colonisers and colonised swapped places (and climates)?
A vast expanse of freshwater in the midst of the Arctic Ocean is set to wreak unpredictable changes on the climate in Europe and North America, new scientific analysis has shown.
A frame device is a catchphrase that instantly conveys a specific meaning and storyline, sparking conversations and trains of thought about why an event might be a problem, who or […]
N.A.S.A.’s Messenger spacecraft, which entered orbit around Mercury on March 17, sent its first images of the hot planet’s surface, including its previously unseen southern pole, back to Earth.
Planetary geologists appear to have found water on Mars near the equator, where the red planet is milder and more hospitable. This may be key to us being able to go there.
It has been a couple weeks since I posted the USGS and Smithsonian Institute’s Global Volcanism Program Weekly Volcanic Activity Report – being busy with work every day for the […]
“Scandinavian Pain” burns crimson in the night in one photo by Ragnar Kjartansson featured in the new exhibition North by New York: New Nordic Art in celebration of the centenary […]
As I was listening to Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers last night while surfing the web, I discovered that Gil Scott Heron had died. Heron has always been an […]
In line with national objectives outlined by President Obama to improve building efficiency by twenty percent in the next ten years, entrepreneurs can take advantage of ample funding.
Given the fearsome projections about the pace of global warming and the now ubiquitous scenes of melting polar ice caps, Alaska may soon become a popular destination for surfing enthusiasts. […]
By changing the distribution of mass on Earth, Japan’s earthquake sped up the planet’s rotation, shortening the day by 1.8 microseconds, N.A.S.A. geophysicist Richard Gross has found.
Some news for today: Taiwan: Most people don’t realize that the island of Taiwan has potentially active volcanoes. One such volcanic center is the Datun (as known as Tatun) Group, […]
Usually I’m a pretty reasonable person. However, over the past day, various items in the media have begun to drive me mad. Maybe I’ve been watching too much of Ramsay’s […]
I almost let it slip by, but Jon Frimann reminded me that this week marks the one-year anniversary of the start of what came to be the biggest volcanic event […]
First off, a big thank you to James Reynolds who took questions from my Volcanoes class here at Denison today. It was a great chat with the students! Now, we […]
A new generation of climate models and the visionaries who wield them show that our carbon legacy will last far longer than most of us realize, long enough to interfere with future ice ages.
Yesterday I mentioned the Auckland Volcanic Field – the cluster of volcanoes underneath New Zealand’s largest city. Although the Auckland Volcanic Field is a region to monitor for activity, it […]
There is no single smoking gun as to what is behind the current snow storms. But, we have two theories.
It definitely hasn’t been quiet geologically around the planet, but news about volcanism seems to be in a bit of a lull right now. Most of what I’ve run across […]
Today is mostly reserved for finishing the edits to the paper I have in review, so I thought I’d provide the answer to MVP #33 (top left). There is some […]
Have you heard of Rebecca Black? If not, you may be living under a rock. Her (sickly-sweet-teeny-bopper) song recently got over 62 Million views on Youtube in less than 50 days. […]
For 15 million years, a vast icebound lake has been sealed deep beneath Antarctica’s frozen crust, possibly hiding prehistoric or other unknown life. Now, the lake is about to be unsealed.
Today’s front-page headline on the paper version of USA Today: Has social media gone too far? n Seriously? That’s the headline? n When a drunk driver runs over someone, do we blame the […]
I’m excited to be in Norman, Oklahoma for the University of Oklahoma K20 Center’s annual Winter Institute. I really like the folks at the K20 Center and am looking forward […]
When you freeze human tissue, it may appear to be preserved superficially, but the ice crystals that form create massive cell damage, causing many cell walls to rupture.
2 min
Comfort foods. We all have them. Foods that make us feel all warm and cozy inside, not just because they taste yummy but also because they evoke memories of happy […]
It’s long been speculated that the largest moon of Saturn, Titan, has large volcanoes made of ice. In 2005, it was thought that one of these ice volcanoes had been […]
Magma wells could prove to be a very powerful new source of energy—up to five times more productive than standard geothermal wells.