It rotates on its axis, revolves around the Sun, moves throughout the Milky Way, and gets carried by our galaxy all throughout space.
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You searched for: energy
Forgetting them, at any step, can lead to unscientific conclusions. No one, not even the smartest among us, were competent scientists from the outset. The concept of science is simple […]
As a form of civil disobedience, hacking can help make the world a better place.
Without these two elements, we’re doomed to fail. In this day and age, it’s virtually impossible to have sufficient expertise to figure out what the complete, comprehensive, scientifically validated truth surrounding […]
The newest record-setting quasar houses an enormous black hole. No one knows how. In every scientific field, we’re always on the lookout for whatever new discovery might reveal what’s currently beyond […]
The old idea of running with springs on your feet gets a high-tech makeover.
Surrounding Earth is a powerful magnetic field created by swirling liquid iron in the planet’s core. Earth’s magnetic field may be nearly as old as the Earth itself – and […]
India finishes last of 60 countries in environment and sustainability, as ranked by the expats who work there.
The mismatch between theory and experiment is anything but certain. The most exciting moments in a scientist’s life occur when you get a result that defies your expectations. Whether you’re a […]
Society-changing ideas form through a three-stage process, argues author Michael Bhaskar.
It’s 13.8 billion years old, with an uncertainty of just 1%. Here’s how. How old is the Universe? For generations, people argued over whether the Universe had always existed, whether it […]
We eat 50 billion chickens every year. Is there a better way?
In a joint briefing at the 101st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, NASA and NOAA revealed 2020’s scorching climate data.
The future of cities on the Moon, Mars and orbital habitats.
We bring multifaceted selves to our interactions, and in these interactions co-create each other again and again.
The UAE is the first Arab nation to send a spacecraft to the Red Planet.
A year of disruptions to work has contributed to mass burnout.
It is impossible for science to arrive at ultimate truths, but functional truths are good enough.
Humans are more likely to have “first contact” with an advanced alien civilization, according to a recent NASA-funded paper.
Both made monumental contributions that were far ahead of their time. It’s hard to believe, but the idea that the Universe was dominated not by normal matter but rather by dark […]
Whose responsibility is it to ensure that there is affordable access to employment?
There’s a million things we haven’t done. But just you wait. The Universe as we know it began some 13.8 billion years ago with the onset of the hot Big Bang. […]
A black woman most have never heard of made GPS possible. Over the span of a single lifetime, the world has changed in ways that would have been virtually unimaginable […]
How can we save humanity from ourselves? In this life and this Universe, there will always be questions beyond the capabilities of humanity to answer. There’s so much that we’ve […]
Astrophysics has probed a test of a fundamental law, ‘Lorentz invariance,’ well beyond the LHC’s limits. Einstein is still right. The greatest scientific legacy that Albert Einstein left us is this: […]
An MIT system uses wireless signals to measure in-home appliance usage to better understand health tendencies.
The British economic anthropologist Jason Hickel proposes “degrowth” in the face of recession.
How do these little beasties detect light anyway?
If all forms of energy experience gravitation, then why does dark energy make the expansion accelerate instead of slow down? Of all the revolutionary discoveries that we’ve made about the Universe, […]