Organic molecules can be produced by living or non-living systems. But the recent findings are very intriguing.
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On Earth, microbial growth is common in lava tubes no matter the location and climate, whether it’s ice-volcano interactions in Iceland or hot, sand-floored lava tubes in Saudi Arabia.
Has all this happened before, and will all this happen once again? There are only a few questions, when we ask them, that force us to reckon with the fundamental nature […]
Sex, it turns out, isn’t as easy or simple as popular culture might lead us to believe.
Theoretical physicist Geoffrey West explains the science behind a unique hypothesis.
Some ozone experts seriously doubt the findings.
We know more about the universe than what is beneath our feet. But Earth’s mantle holds subtle clues about our planet’s past.
By improving quantum error correction, quantum computations are now faster than ever. But parallel universes? That’s utter nonsense here.
Do the benefits of plastics outweigh the costs?
The quantum world — and its inherent uncertainty — defies our ability to describe it in words.
We used to think the Big Bang meant the universe began from a singularity. Nearly 100 years later, we’re not so sure.
Scalars, vectors, and tensors come up all the time in physics. They’re more than mathematical structures. They help describe the Universe.
Known as primordial black holes, they could thoroughly change our Universe’s history. But the evidence is strongly against them.
Despite all that we’ve learned about the Universe, there remain unanswered, and possibly unanswerable, questions. Could “God” be the answer?
As cells divide, they must copy all of their chromosomes once and only once, or chaos would ensue. How do they do it? Key controls happen well before replication even starts.
Over the past 50 years, 27 leap seconds have been added to our time.
Quantum physics isn’t quite magic, but it requires an entirely novel set of rules to make sense of the quantum universe.
Some scientists think we should allow our bodies to more harmlessly live with pathogens until they’re cleared from our systems.
Or is ‘new space’ created in between the gaps of the ‘old’ space? It’s been almost 100 years since humanity first reached a revolutionary conclusion about our Universe: space itself doesn’t […]
Science is an ongoing flirtation with the unknown.
The laws of physics aren’t changing. But the Earth’s conditions are different than what they used to be, and so are hurricanes as a result.
Just as storylines make sense only when you have the context of the beginning and the end, listeners need to understand the impetus for why the album was even made.
Taught in every introductory physics class for centuries, the parabola is only an imperfect approximation for the true path of a projectile.
2022 was another busy year in the realm of science, with groundbreaking stories spanning space, materials, medicine, and technology.
The “little red dots” were touted as being too massive, too early, for cosmology to explain. With new knowledge, everything adds up.
And either way, is energy or information conserved? When two things in the Universe that “always” occur meet one another, how do you know which one will win? Gravitational waves, […]
The original principle of relativity, proposed by Galileo way back in the early 1600s, remains true in its unchanged form even today.
The body uses its own electricity to repair wounds. Faster healing may be possible with additional electrical stimulation.
Many galaxies really are ultra-distant, but some are just intrinsically red or dusty. Only with spectroscopy can JWST tell which is which.