Organic molecules can be produced by living or non-living systems. But the recent findings are very intriguing.
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Some ozone experts seriously doubt the findings.
Cosmic rays aren’t just limited by the speed of light. Even among non-scientists, it’s well-understood that there’s an ultimate speed limit to the Universe: the speed of light. If you’re a […]
Seven years ago, an outburst in a distant galaxy brightened and faded away. Afterward, a new supermassive black hole jet emerged, but how?
On Earth, microbial growth is common in lava tubes no matter the location and climate, whether it’s ice-volcano interactions in Iceland or hot, sand-floored lava tubes in Saudi Arabia.
Just as storylines make sense only when you have the context of the beginning and the end, listeners need to understand the impetus for why the album was even made.
With 5,000 square degrees of data, the Dark Energy Survey has something important to say. For as long as humans have been studying the Universe, we’ve yearned to know the answers […]
Sex, it turns out, isn’t as easy or simple as popular culture might lead us to believe.
The quantum world — and its inherent uncertainty — defies our ability to describe it in words.
Air conditioning may keep a room cool, but using it is heating up the planet. It is time for something new — or old.
Over the past 50 years, 27 leap seconds have been added to our time.
How the simple act of watching twilight can radically transform our perception of the world and our role within it.
Going to smaller and smaller distance scales reveals more fundamental views of nature, which means if we can understand and describe the smallest scales, we can build our way to […]
Galaxies can have regions both hotter and colder than the background radiation of the Universe. When we talk about the depths of space, we get this picture in our heads […]
Everyone has to learn about sex somehow. Today, billions of people are learning about it from porn.
Even addition has to play by different rules for black holes. How do you add 28 and 47 together? This simple math question helps us highlight the many different ways that […]
If there really is another version of you out there in a parallel universe, what can that teach us about reality?
Can AI-powered “answer engines” replace the 10 blue links model?
9 minutes of cruel history may cure the anti-progress delusion.
Executive coach Jodi Wellman explains how to “make it to the end with no regrets.”
Only the best physical theories outlast the minds that invented them. Throughout the 20th century, a number of discoveries revolutionized our Universe. The discovery of the interior structure of atoms as […]
2022 was another busy year in the realm of science, with groundbreaking stories spanning space, materials, medicine, and technology.
No matter how controversial or politicized our world becomes, science remains humanity’s best tool for figuring out how things work.
A century ago, electric cars were common. The fact that they were almost entirely replaced due to the internal combustion engine is a testament to the glacial pace of battery breakthroughs.
As cells divide, they must copy all of their chromosomes once and only once, or chaos would ensue. How do they do it? Key controls happen well before replication even starts.
Some scientists think we should allow our bodies to more harmlessly live with pathogens until they’re cleared from our systems.
An expert explains the emerging science of nutrigenomics.
Do the health risks outweigh the benefits?