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False claims made by the U.N. Panel on Climate Change about the rate of Himalayan glacial melting were used to win governmental grants and have embarrassed the scientific body.
The huge snowstorms that hit the mid-Atlantic states may have done more than just close roads and schools. They may also have had a chilling effect on climate change legislation […]
Do-It-Yourself retail stores will soon be stocking solar panels so climate change-conscious customers can pop sustainability into their trolleys and wheel it home.
If you mix salt water with fresh water you create instant carbon-neutral energy – the process is called osmotic power and the world’s first osmotic power plant has just opened.
Nearly 1,000 people were arrested in the Danish capital last night while protesting the lack of progress at the U.N. Climate Change Conference.
President Obama’s poll numbers slipped dramatically over his first year in office. Since last February, the percent of Americans who say they approve of his performance has fallen twenty points. […]
Paper could be used to power your laptop according to scientists who have developed a high tech battery from the standard writing surface by coating it in special materials.
Overlooked in much of the post-State-of-the-Union discussion was President Obama’s renewed insistence on bringing America’s rail system up to speed for the first time in decades. Amid the countless issues […]
Tomorrow will mark the first anniversary of the passing of American painter Andrew Wyeth. Love his work or hate it, it’s hard to argue that he didn’t leave a significant […]
Honeybee researchers have discovered that the insects release a deadly odor that shortens the lifespan of their family members – usually their sisters.