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You searched for: Water

Below, I briefly discussed an article abstract by MEED, a subscription to which costs some 1200 bones. Valued reader David, however, saved the day by providing a link to Google’s […]
“The moon is pockmarked with cold, wet oases that could contain enough water ice to be useful to manned missions.” A recent NASA mission found evidence of life’s cornerstone.
My latest roundup of links and tools… By now we should be thinking about the Internet like we do water and electricity Slate Magazine notes that Camp McCain . . […]
Johnny Bunko: a cartoon Joe who hates his dead-end accounting job. A set of magic chopsticks. And Diana, a Greek-anime goddess of job satisfaction. Mix ’em together and you have […]
by Guest Blogger, Marion Ginopolis nn In an interview some time ago with Scholastic Administrator, Ian Jukes stated, “What many educators still don’t appreciate is that technology is a tool, […]
We seem to have fallen into a pattern here: Greg provides the judicious review of breaking events, and I am the bearded wierdo on the corner yelling “Doom! Doom!”. If […]
The secrets to a successful life? Wow. I’m hesitant to put myself anywherennear the top of that list. But since PetenReilly tagged me, I’ll share a few things that seem […]
We all know Yemen is in trouble: A resurgent al-Qaeda, a revolt in the north, increasingly violent actions in the south, no oil, no water, a growing youth bulge, declining […]