Leading a scientific revolution is easy: you just have to succeed where the current theory fails while equaling its successes. Good luck!
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You searched for: Telescope
Atomic clocks keep time accurately to within 1 second every 33 billion years. Nuclear clocks could blow them all away.
“The pulsar sort of consumes the thing that recycled it, just as the spider eats its mate.”
Signals from across the universe point toward a fascinating possibility.
The giant impact theory suggests our Moon was formed from proto-Earth getting a Mars-sized strike. An exoplanet system shows it’s plausible.
When the Universe was first born, the ingredients necessary for life were nowhere to be found. Only our “lucky stars” enabled our existence.
Where did the “seed” magnetic field come from in the first place?
In 1920, astronomers debated the nature of the Universe. The results were meaningless until years later, when the key evidence arrived.
All forms of energy affect the expanding Universe. But if matter and radiation slow the expansion down, how does dark energy speed it up?
Previously, only the brightest and most active galaxies could pierce the obscuring wall of cosmic dust. At last, normal galaxies break through.
A new artificial intelligence method removes the effect of gravity on cosmic images, showing the real shapes of distant galaxies.
JWST has brought us more distant views of the early Universe than ever before. Is the Big Bang, and all of modern cosmology, in trouble?
If you look into a mirror, you’ll notice that left-and-right are reversed, but up-and-down is preserved. The reason isn’t what you think.
Sun-like stars live for around 10 billion years, but our Universe is only 13.8 billion years old. So what’s the maximum lifetime for a star?
Not only does this give us a look at the scaffolding of the universe, we found some new galaxies too!
When you measure not just light, but light’s polarization, you learn so much more. It’s been over 100 years since the first solution for a black hole was discovered in General […]
Researchers discovered a galactic wind from a supermassive black hole that sheds light on the evolution of galaxies.
If we were born trillions of years in the future, could we even figure out our cosmic history?
For many years, cosmologists have claimed the Universe is 13.8 billion years old. A new paper says no, it’s 26.7 billion. How do we decide?
And a combination of all three might take us farther than ever. If you want to see the farthest objects in the Universe, you have to know not only where to […]
What do we mean by a black hole’s size? A photon sphere? The minimal stable orbit? The event horizon? The singularity? Which one is right?
We confidently state that the Universe is known to be 13.8 billion years old, with an uncertainty of just 1%. Here’s how we know.
Before there were planets, stars, and galaxies, before even neutral atoms or stable protons, there was the Big Bang. How did we prove it?
Hubble’s deepest views of space revealed fewer than 10% of the Universe’s galaxies. James Webb will change that forever.
Finding out how the Universe grew up was the biggest science goal of JWST. This ultra-early proto-galaxy cluster is one amazing discovery.
Every observation out into deep space is also a look back in time. Whenever you observe an object, you aren’t viewing it in its present state. When one of Jupiter’s moons […]
Infrared, visible, and ultraviolet combine to show us Jupiter’s features as never before. The largest planet in our Solar System, Jupiter, is our own ‘failed star.’ The best evidence-based classification scheme […]
Researchers hypothesize that these exoplanets could support the development of alien life.
The successor to Hubble is almost ready for launch. It’s really coming this year, too! NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, originally proposed in the 1990s, is finally slated to launch later […]
Scientists find an exoplanet whose strange behavior may lead to the Solar’s System hidden ninth planet.