It’s not that Astronomy has a “problem” that’s unique; it’s that they’re actually doing something about it. “Beauty provokes harassment, the law says, but it looks through men’s eyes when deciding […]
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You searched for: Systems
That picture of you at the Royal Observatory astride the Greenwich Meridian? It’s a lie.
Teachers reinforce that making mistakes will get you a dunce cap. Shouldn’t it be getting you a gold star instead?
But especially for anyone who listened to your “Celebration of Creation” speech. “In science it often happens that scientists say, ‘You know that’s a really good argument; my position is […]
In a world where we all eat fake meat — and so stop breeding domesticated livestock — the animals happiness we prize could simply disappear.
One restaurant influencer may have the power to wipe out tipping in America.
Not water, not ice, and definitely not aliens. Here’s how we know. “You are the salt of the earth. But remember that salt is useful when in association, but useless in […]
Your grandparents got way more nutrition out of their vegetables.
Exclusion and a lack of diversity are the breeding grounds for harassment. “There is no kind of harassment that a man may not inflict on a woman with impunity in […]
We know that Einstein’s general relativity is superior to Newton’s gravity, but where did Newton go wrong? “To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or […]
Currently, scientists and physicians have a limited understanding of the complex issue of pain and how to treat it. Pain or numbness is perceived by the brain using signals sent by the peripheral nervous system and it is hard to determine how a person’s nervous-system cells react and respond to stimuli. While it is relatively easy to collect a blood or a skin sample or even a tissue biopsy, it is not possible to sample portions of a patient’s neural system. A recent breakthrough finds a way around this problem.
Throwback Thursday: How Dark Matter’s #1 Competitor Died The only way out is to modify the laws of gravity, and our best observations rule those modifications out. “The discrepancy between […]
It was a dark and stormy night when a car accident was prevented by very cool technology.
SpaceX has asked permission to establish a system of satellites to deliver worldwide Internet to all regions. Time Warner and Comcast: You are officially on notice.
It’s not in any form of light, and yet here we are, “seeing” the Universe all the same. “If the imprint is really due to gravitational waves from the big […]
The picture is real, but the UFO explanation? Surely we can do better. “It’s almost like I feel I’m just moving there, and I’m not coming back.”–Scott Kelly On his 233rd […]
“Scanning for signs of life” is a staple of science fiction. Could it be science, too? This post was written by Jillian Scudder. Jillian is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Astrophysics […]
Companies like Amazon take advantage of the fact that they know a whole lot more about buying patterns than you do. As author and entrepreneur Jerry Kaplan explains, this sort of information asymmetry is the real crux of their business plan.
4 min
The similarities between the Universe and a living being are striking and surprising. Could larger entities than us be alive? “Do not look at stars as bright spots only. Try to […]
In August 2012, Curiosity became the heaviest, most advanced rover to ever land on Mars. Here’s what the red planet looks like. “Studying whether there’s life on Mars or studying […]
Drones are all the buzz today. They make the news regularly appearing everywhere and often where they don’t belong — baseball stadiums, concert stages and even the White House lawn. Is […]
Scientists have discovered a new protein that appears to supercharge the body’s own immune system, allowing it to compete against cancerous cells in ways that were previously impossible.
Developers out of New Zealand are working on a system that will mimic angry customers in order to train telemarketers in real conflict management.
“What was scattered, gathers.What was gathered, blows away.” –Heraclitus When you think of our Solar System, you think of planets (and other object) orbiting our central star, with moons (or […]
Can we rely on Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” to lead markets to “the best” overall outcome? Darwin’s insights say no.
Now that New Horizons has flown by the Plutonian system, can it be considered a planet after all? “Words are the source of misunderstandings.” –Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Back in 1930, […]
One of the planet’s most well-known car cities is gearing for a transportation reboot.
Ice mountains, frozen nitrogen flats and surprisingly familiar features show what the outermost worlds looks like. “We’ve learned that the view of four inner rocky planets and four outer gas giants […]
Compared to a human lifetime, the Universe is ancient.But even a single year holds important changes. “We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we […]
Department of Corrections is a misnomer. At the present, DOCs across the country shun from the responsibility to make convicts better people.