New 3D images of a mouse brain reveal a neuron that encompasses the entire brain.
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Welcome to Star Trek: Discovery. From science to ethics and more, how does the new series’ debut stack up? “If man is to survive, he will have learned to take a […]
Following hormonal biomarkers across a wide variety of species helped scientists piece it together.
For the first time, I genuinely enjoyed the new series. There’s been one question that’s bothered me in every episode since Star Trek: Discovery began: why would anyone want to be […]
And when you demand ‘perfectly identical,’ just how high of a bar are you setting? “Lives are snowflakes — unique in detail, forming patterns we have seen before, but as like one another […]
Where gravity comes from has been an utter mystery. String theory offers an explanation.
Why does the Universe have the properties it has? There may be no natural reason at all. “When you listen to a lecture, you should not have any idea of yourself. […]
If you think we’ve seen all there is to see in the Universe, you’re about to have your imagination unlocked. “Hubble often takes images of distant gravitationally lensed galaxies to […]
If it’s the anti-version of normal matter, could it possibly fall “up”? This article was written by Sabine Hossenfelder of Backreaction. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in quantum gravity and […]
The latest challenger to dark matter’s throne may not be so difficult to knock off, after all. This post was written by Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in […]
Natural “narrative selection” was key to turning insignificant apes (who had tools for 2 million years) into the species that now dominates the bio-sphere.
Falling into a black hole is forever… but could a tether to the outside pull you back out? “Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.” –Alfred A. […]
“A post-antibiotic era – in which common infections and minor injuries can kill – far from being an apocalyptic fantasy, is instead a very real possibility for the 21st Century.”
Regardless of truth, the best storyteller wins: how else could a quarter of Americans, many struggling financially, ‘relate’ to a billionaire real estate mogul?
Last week, an asteroid fell from the sky and struck the Lake Michigan area. What if it had been a city-killer instead? “By preventing dangerous asteroid strikes, we can save […]
With the launch of JPSS-1 coming up this year, everything that NASA Earth science stands for hinges on its success. “There is, then, no water that is wholly of the Pacific, […]
A study finds that just 30 minutes of memory training per day, for 40 days, can reorganize your brain connectivity.
They’re the darkest, most massive things in the Universe. How come they have nothing to do with each other? “All enterprises that are entered into with indiscreet zeal may be pursued […]
Forget everything you thought you knew about boiling and freezing, thanks to these MIT scientists.
In one of the best examples of free education this year, Pixar has released a six-part online course called ‘The Art of Storytelling’.
The laws of physics are symmetric, but the Universe isn’t. Something’s gotta give. “If antimatter and matter make contact, both are destroyed instantly. Physicists call the process ‘annihilation.” –Dan Brown When […]
How Vera Rubin changed the Universe. “Science progresses best when observations force us to alter our preconceptions.” –Vera Rubin Look out at the night sky, and what do you see? […]
Freeze it, boil it, or expose it to radiation. The water bear shrugs it off. Now we know why.
The thoughts on ruthless leadership by Italian politician and writer Niccolò Machiavelli resonate today.
While relationships can damage us, they can also be a source for healing.
Loop quantum gravity gets the ancient atomist back into the loop, showing how black holes might explode, and that the Big Bang might be a Big Bounce.
This breakthrough Stanford University study may lead to gender specific treatments for post-traumatic experiences.
Astrobiologist Lewis Dartnell explains why we shouldn’t be afraid of alien visitors.
The aptly named ‘Fireworks galaxy’ just had its tenth supernova in the past century, setting a record. Learn how to see it! “When a massive star explodes at the end of […]
What if we told you that, right now, your phone was making a map of your interior surroundings — whether you’re at work or at home — and sending that data to places unknown?