most accurate cosmological simulation of the evolution of the large-scale structure of the universe yet
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Why are all the radicals on the right today? My argument is that we have two problems in Washington: One is hyperpartisanship, as a Washington Post article details. Because of […]
What do Eckhart Tolle, Amy Chua, Cesar Millan and Barack Obama all have in common? They are all idea entrepreneurs.
Researchers have confirmed that Tamu Massif, located in the northern Pacific, is a single volcano rather than a composite of different eruption points. At 120,000 square miles in size, it’s about as big as the entire state of New Mexico.
What religions want to do is remind us of how kind we want to be.
A team of California scientists combined two ingredients commonly used in firefighting into an all-natural temporary spray gel that outperformed other coatings in lab tests.
Kudos to Tyler Cowen for stimulating public debate on an important policy option. Now if someone will just move away from the popular distortions and dysfunctional politics to confront the […]
Under the tremendous pressure and at the incredible temperatures of the Earth’s deep interior, there’s a thick layer of liquid: our outer core. But why is it so? “If you ever […]
Michael Simonds: It’s essential for us to understand that women can generate powerful results without mirroring male expectations and male style.
Where we live structures so many of our other life options.
How one of the faintest galaxies in the entire Messier catalogue holds some of the greatest sights for dedicated skywatchers. “There are so many more important things to worry about […]
If you don’t have enough people with an urgent frame of mind, it’s like putting up a tall building and you don’t put in the pilings deep enough.
There’s been a lot of criticism lately of badly written science, following the publication of Michael Billig’s Learn to Write Badly: How to Succeed in the Social Sciences in which […]
Here’s what two excellent sociologists have concluded about marriage today: Thanks to falling working-class wages, the outsourcing of American manufacturing, the thinning of company benefits, and the rise of part-time […]
Japanese scientist have successfully grown human liver cells from stem cells, implanting them into mice which, for the first time, has resulted in three-dimensional functional liver structures.
A recent string of high-profile legal events suggest that government institutions are beginning to bend to public opinion.
All life starts fused with its parents.
Perhaps more surprising than the fact that San Francisco-based DJ Cheb i Sabbah passed away last Thursday is that he survived nearly two years longer than his initial one-month assessment […]
“The idea is that education is moving away from a centralized physical location and more to somewhere students can learn from anywhere.”
Blackfish is a beautiful and powerful documentary about, yes, the corporate greed of SeaWorld. But it also, through remarkable facts, shows us the neuroscience of orcas. These animals—most commonly and […]
The greatest Messier object of them all, a treat all winter long. “What caused me to undertake the catalog was the nebula I discovered above the southern horn of Taurus on […]
Finally, A Radically Different Inflation Technology That Doesn’t Suck The Fun Out Of Inflatable Gear
“Revolutionize the way we use air” is all that the team behind Windcatcher wants to do. Ryan Frayne, the inventor of the device, was inspired when he watched his brother […]
Last week, I invited a few friends to come together and talk about Bitcoin. The conversation was wide ranging (read: ill-organized), but interesting. Three key topics emerged out of the […]
One of the first words nixed by postgraduate education is “truth.” Amidst all the deconstructing and linguistic acrobatics, “truth” is just too troublesome and old fashioned. So, imagine my surprise […]
MIT designers laid 6,500 silkworms on top of a specially constructed framework and let them do what they do. Such “biological swarms” could someday be used to “print” structures organically.
One of the most profound experiences I’ve had in the past decade in New York City was witnessing former Mayor Rudy Giuliani accept the first annual Children’s Foundation Hero Award […]
Have you ever noticed how long people look at a painting in a museum or gallery? Surveys have clocked view times anywhere between 10 and 17 seconds. The Louvre estimated […]
If we scaled the entire Universe’s history from the Big Bang until now to be “one Universe year,” what would our future look like? “The way to love anything is to […]
Thanks to recent archeological finds, scientists have gained a better understanding of our brain’s evolution by measuring the interior dimensions of ancient skulls.
On June 19, the world’s first automatic magazine newsstand reached the Swedish consumers. Meganews Magazines is up and running in Stockholm, hoping to change the modern media landscape. The newsstand kiosk […]