Regenerative medicine, which seeks to regrow lost or damaged human body parts ranging from patches of skin to entire limbs, may prove especially promising given recent advances in genetic therapy.
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You searched for: Structure
Inspired by the unique structure of the Blue Morpho’s iridescent wings, a Vancouver-based company has created an anti-counterfeiting technology that leaps several steps ahead of holography.
“Workers of the world, unite!”Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels bellowed in The Communist Manifesto in 1848, largely in response to the Industrial Revolution (and Second Industrial Revolution) threatening not just […]
What we have now is a picture of human development built on the idea that humans are learning creatures, and that what we are depends on what we learn, from cradle to grave.
Over the past sixty years, the global birth rate has steadily declined with clockwork consistency.
While the Chinese economy is said to have kept the world afloat through the latest economic crises, reformers have also pressured China to cultivate a more consumer-oriented economy.
Once you know what the laws of nature are, another kind of question unfolds itself which is why are those the laws and not other laws.
Silicon trunks and titanium oxide branches mimic the process of photosynthesis by converting sunlight into hydrogen and oxygen, both of which can then be used to power fuel cells.
So David Brooks wants to arouse in us some SELECTIVE NOSTALGIA for neoconservatism. That’s not surprising, because he once was a “neocon”—or a “national greatness” conservative. Now the brand “neocon” […]
In the past, new technologies brought new jobs. Today, some experts foresee a future in which automation could take millions of people out of the workforce completely.
Biologists at Princeton and Johns Hopkins universities have created an artificial human ear—using a three-dimensional printer, no less—that detects sound better than natural human ears.
In my experience, about 80 percent of requests get a meaningful lead that a person couldn’t have gotten otherwise.
As we learn about things more deeply and more deeply, we will discover that in fact, there’s all kinds of peripheral work to be done that we couldn’t have even imagined looking forward.
While it’s not the first attempt to bring writers and researchers together for brainstorming, the Hieroglyph project’s focus is on producing aspirational outcomes at a time when darker fictional futures are in the spotlight.
With the cultural theories of the ’90s in decline, the humanities have begun picking up on neuroscience as the newest way of understanding how we relate to the world. But will it be good for art?
The SOPA movement shows us how traditional power structures are being turned on their head to create a future that is significantly more democratized, distributed and universal.
You only know how hard it is to be a responsible consumer after you’ve tried it – running laps around isles trying to find that one brand you know is […]
The most important task we have as any generation does is to raise the next generation, and to pass on the tools for living as sane people to the next generation.
Scientists at Princeton University have created a bionic ear using a three-dimensional home printer and combined the prosthesis with electronics that can “hear” radio frequencies.
Other people are really just another version of you. It’s nothing fancier than saying, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
We ought to be aware that these are two different spheres that have their own areas of relevance.
The American Founders were deeply suspicious of Democracy, and structured a Constitution designed to protect both personal liberties and property from the tyranny of the majority. But the critical problem […]
While this is one violent storm, scientists were actually the most surprised by how much the hurricane seems to resemble one on Earth.
The use of algorithms to find patterns in massive amounts of data, executing trading decision based upon the frequency of certain keywords across millions and millions of messages, is becoming more frequent.
Siri’s underlying technology is designed “to solve a different, simpler variant of the human language problem” than Watson.
As an employee, you have fundamental liberty and freedom and the ability to process your own ambitions and tensions.
Marlon Brando said one of the best things that I’ve heard about actors. He said, “An actor is a guy who if you ain’t talking about him he ain’t listening” […]
Researchers at the University of Washington have determined the molecular structure of certain compounds found in beer that give the brew its bitter flavor and confer health benefits.
One architect advocates for combining a surplus of dead trees with new technologies to create buildings of up to 30 stories that will shelter future city residents.
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have successfully transplanted a lab-grown kidney into a mouse that filters blood and urine, albeit at a fraction of a natural kidney’s functionality.