1. Don’t Let Math Get in the Way of Big Ideas “Many of the most successful scientists in the world today are mathematically no more than semiliterate.” E.O. Wilson shares […]
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People spend a lot of time trying to think about how to connect abstract concepts to real life. 3D printers open up a whole new possibility.
A Slate piece on education starts off by declaring, if you send your kids to private school you’re “a bad person.” Not “bad like Hitler,” but bad. I don’t want […]
What can math be used for? Here’s a wise answer: two basic forms of geometry are used in almost every engineering project and every physics discovery that has ever been made.
A San Francisco robotics company has created a kit containing four devices, including a flying drone, that teachers can use in middle school and high school math classes.
A few months ago I posted a piece which has become my most popular blog post by quite a landslide.The postcovered various techniques for learning and looked at the empirical […]
A new math curriculum is needed to move us from the knowledge economy to “the computational knowledge economy where high-level math is integral to what everyone does.”
As with the anecdotally rich discoveries in Freakonomics, practitioners of predictive analytics constantly stumble upon insightful gems such as,vegetarians miss fewer flights.
Some of the things we need to do to really make school a more emotionally addictive place.
When seeking intellectual stimulation on the Internet, TED can be regarded as one of those special “signals within the noise”. The site releases one talk a day, helping to create […]
We know very little for certain about how TV or iphones affect people at any age, for better or worse. But there’s reason to be skeptical about new products designed to make us and our children smarter.
Higgs is Confirmed After a Higgs-like particle was detected last summer by CERN scientists, that particle has now been confirmed to be the real deal. Read more here. Sex in […]
Lawrence Krauss argues for differential pay scales for teachers with advanced training in science and math to accommodate the free market.
5 min
Lawrence Krauss argues for differential pay scales for teachers with advanced training in science and math to accommodate the free market.
According to Caltech professor emeritus and microelectronics pioneer Carver Mead, the scientific revolution that got under way at the start of the 20th century has been stymied by big egos.
Data is an abstraction of real life, and real life can be complicated, but if you gather enough context, you can at least put forth a solid effort to make sense of it.
Dr. Kaku says we might imagine God as we know him to be a mathematician: “The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace. That is the mind of God.”
The elite are not necessarily the wealthy but the people who run the country. And they live in almost a different world from the rest of us.
New research with children in Germany confirms similar research in other countries: Extracurricular music study — more so than similar study in other subjects — improves verbal memory.
Michio Kaku says that God could be a mathematician: “The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace. That is the […]
6 min
This was indeed a choice election, if you consider the choice between consuming entertainment journalism or data-based journalism. Entertainment is fun, and math is hard. Math won.
Observing the Roman Empire crumble from North Africa in the fifth century, St Augustine of Hippo decided that while waging war against fellow Christians was sinful, throwing up arms against […]
Duke University researchers who poured over three decades worth of standardized test scores have concluded that general intelligence is on the rise and that girls are narrowing the gender gap.
Edward is also helping change the field of philanthropy by co-founding CrowdRise, a social fundraising site that makes it easy and fun for people to raise money for their favorite causes.
Like any big, bold idea, Elon Musk’s plan for colonizing Mars strikes you at first glance as indeed crazy. And yet, the reason for Musk’s success in leading four of the most innovative companies in America is that he is analytically minded, first and foremost.
The great benefit of education, “the key to increasingly upward mobility,” is expanding the vocabulary of students.
The 21st century requires a new kind of learner—not someone who can simply churn out answers by rote, but a student who can think expansively and solve problems resourcefully.
Update: A couple hours ago, a judge struck down the New York City ban on large-sized sodas as arbitrary and capricious, in part because the ban did not also include […]
I’ve never seen an albatross but I’m told the regal bird can glide for hundreds of miles without flapping his wings. On land, however, the large wings drag like “drifting […]
The brilliant Albert Einstein didn’t believe in this realm, and yet he won a Nobel Prize for playing in it.