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Another day, another mainstream media piece that misses the mark on Facebook. I have an idea for my fellow print journalists. Since owners are now secretly colluding to contrive ways […]
As a website devoted to providing an interactive, online forum with global thought leaders, you can imagine our dismay when we read Nicholas Kristof’s evisceration of “experts” in today’s New […]
Demonstrated by his activity on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the official White House portal, President Obama is institutionalizing social networking as the interactive feature par excellence in American governance. The […]
Grass –Mud-Horse! China to America! No Dollar!rn The main purpose of this high-pitched action is to tell America: I got my problem, you got yours, do not mess up with me to threaten my single- Party-ruled survival! rn In this Chinese – say- no to dollar incident which is mainly a political move. Prevent incident! It almost surely is their main theme.