Who are these people in the media who tell us what is important — who decide what the narrative is for the rest of our national tribe? Do they really […]
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History may look more fondly upon him than he’s given credit for today. The bailout and the response to the crisis was executed better than many imagined, says Andrew Ross […]
9 min
There is an irony, although it is hardly surprising, that a very English Revolutionary and devout Parliamentarian, John Hampden, and the family name of “Hampden,” is better remembered in the […]
Writing in the New York Times, Bono makes his case for anti-piracy legislation. For the first time in the Financial Times’ history, online and print subscribers now contribute more revenue […]
How quickly the media caravan moves on. How painful it must be for those left behind, who for but a short while captured global attention, but who must continue to […]
An archeological dig in Nazareth has uncovered the home of “a simple Jewish family” in a neighborhood Jesus may have known.
A new social media website named Blippy answers the question: “What are your friends buying?” by making their credit card transactions public.
The chatter in the media these past few days seems to have borne out a W.E.B. DuBois observation — “the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the […]
This September, I traveled with a group of 20 environmental journalists from around the world to attend the World Climate Conference, in Geneva. The international conference was hosted by the […]
You have probably been annoyed by how expensive and frustrating it can be to get health care. But you may also, like many people, assume that’s the way health care […]
Last week, in his blog The Daily Dish, Andrew Sullivan announced that after years of identifying with the conservative movement he is finally “leaving the right.” His decision is of […]
How do you tell a Rembrandt from a non-Rembrandt? Even the experts have been stumped, and they’ve been stumped for centuries since Rembrandt himself passed away. Drawings by Rembrandt and […]
As the year draws to a close, I want to finish by passing along my personal list of the most interesting essays on political issues from 2009. My selections are […]
“Very refreshing! DOW Chemical Pesticide Water! Free samples! Very refreshing!” Volunteers with non-profit Students for Bhopal gathered yesterday at the entrance to New York’s Union Square Whole Foods Market to […]
“Would you please turn the lights up,” Robert F Kennedy Jr. asked the stage crew as he took the floor of New York’s Town Hall in Times Square, about to […]
Imagine a device that would resemble an ordinary book, where 50-100 pages are made of electronic “ePaper” with “old” paper feel texture plus the advantages of gadgets like the Amazon’s Kindle: virtual bookshop, subscriptions, etc. You buy every book you want from the eStore and the content is updated on this device. rnrnHere you have the old book reading/feeling experience with the advantages of today’s kindle-like features. Not an eBook but a “feelBook”.
So wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald. To which Ernest Hemingway replied, “yes. They have more money.” Could they one day end up having more fingers? Toes? Brains? The economist Robert Frank […]
For anybody struggling through a period of creative stagnation and caught against some sort of Proustian desire to develop a grand ‘idea’ for their art, the Irish painter, Guggi, has […]
Great news, fans of continued existence! The world will not end in 2012, despite what you may have heard from a passing lunatic and/or viral marketer for this film. How […]
As I wrote yesterday, momentum continues to build in Washington for a health-care reform that includes a provision for a government-sponsored program which would compete with private insurance companies. Greg […]
Are you a writer with a green cause? Then you probably shouldn’t bother applying for Columbia University’s 2-year Earth & Environmental Science Journalism Master’s Degree (EESJ) this winter. It doesn’t […]
With just 70 days left before December’s critical international climate talks in Copenhagen (COP15), the heat is on to bring the world to an agreement on a plan for emissions […]
Here on the Nicola Peninsula in Costa Rica, the medical news that dominates headlines today is not swine flu but a mysterious affliction called grisi siknis(or “jungle madness,” in the […]
Lieutenant Raymond Foster has graciously invited me to make some comments on leadership. I highly appreciated Raymond’s gesture and sophistication in dealing with the increasingly relevant subject. I attended a “LIVE” forum as Raymond was being interviewed I found his words of wisdom very original and useful.
Would today’s Major League Baseball bar Lou Gehrig? That’s the argument some are using to oppose a new announcement by the MLB: the league is conducting genetic testing on some […]
Success Tenets for Scientific Management.
Using the Definition of the Domain of Morality as a sort of logical compass, Conservatism is argued to be “going against nature.”
The 2008 Election Campaign provided the nation with an enormous amount of much need sunlight. Now, the Obama victory has completely altered the lexicon of race in American life.
We’re blindsided by the concept, but the truth is that Bob Saget may have foretold the future of entertainment, and it has nothing to do with the Olson twins. But […]
Nearly every new technology is hailed (at least by its creators) as one that will “revolutionize” this or that aspect of our lives. Upon closer examination, however, the hype is […]