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Overcoming a limited belief requires ignoring that little voice in your head that says, “I can’t”, “I’m not good enough”, “only so and so people can do that” – one could spend a lifetime coming up with excuses.
Today’s “blacksmith” is a skilled designer/3-D Printer with highly developed skills in CAD design who is able to help locals prototype and create custom products that they concept for various uses.
We’ve seen in many countries where they have instituted some quotas that they have been able to bring more women in and that it really has made a big difference in the quality of the decision making position
As a society, we have so many hang-ups about sex.  If we would address that head on, we’d have a lot less problems related to it.  It’s just part of […]
Francis Fukuyama famously wrote in a 1992 book that we’d reached “The End of History.” He meant that the major ideological conflict of the 20th century, between Communism and democracy, […]