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We survey the groundbreaking ideas of 2011 from experts such as Daniel Kahneman, Ray Kurzweil, Peter Diamandis, Sal Khan, Daniel Burrus, Michio Kaku, Steven Pinker and many others.
Expect 2012 to be the year of a major push to sell us ‘families’ of interconnected screen devices that use the cloud to store our digital entertainment libraries.
We need to better prepare, train, and inspire successful self-directed learners to meet today’s challenges.
The Kindle Fire itself isn’t groundbreaking as far as devices go, but it should provide the most convenient platform for accessing Amazon’s many services. It can succeed without killing the iPad.
If you are watching football on your couch you are in a better position to referee the action than the officials on the field. It’s time for sports to catch up with technology.
The ideal American store, Adam Gopnik once suggested, would have no employees. Consumers’ desires would be met flawlessly by unerring, tireless machines. On the other hand, the ideal French store […]
Many people looking to bring new ideas to old age are still warm from the glow of LED and plasma displays at the 2012 International Consumer Electronics Show held in Las […]
At the end of War and Peace Tolstoy compares belief in free will to medieval cosmologies where the Sun revolved around the Earth. To know the true cosmos, he writes, […]
Thanks to advances in computing power over the last few years, it is now possible to scan someone’s brain and get a reasonable idea of what is going through his or her mind.
A virtual nurse designed to deal with hospital overflow is a hit with patients. They report preferring the virtual nurse to a live doctor because they do not feel rushed or talked down to.
If there’s one trend that’s poised to take off and enter the mainstream in 2012, it’s 3D printing. Sometimes referred to as additive manufacturing, 3D printing is the process of taking […]
Ageing and death are not something human beings generally look forward to but biologists say that immortality could prove a disadvantage to the survival of our species.
Bioethicist Paul Root Wolpe questions the basic premise of the Singularity concept, arguing that it “misunderstands the complex nature of biological and physical life.”
Artificial Intelligence is coming to the iPhone. How will it change your life? The iPhone Assistant is the reborn Siri app, obeying voice commands but also adapting to your needs.
The Consumer Electronics Show is over and Mat Honan, senior reporter for Gizmodo.com, is depressed. He wrote a lyrical piece about the melancholia created by a three-day Bacchanalia of […]
From former iPod chief Tony Fadell comes a smart thermostat that adjusts the temperature in your home according to your lifestyle while saving substantial amounts of energy.
Software has enabled one utility company to cut power consumption by up to 50 percent by more intelligently managing the delivery of electricity to homes and businesses.
After controversy over its hiring of C.E.O.s from outside the company, Hewlett-Packard has hastily named Meg Whitman its newest chief executive. She joined the board eight months ago.
Steve Jobs, former chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, told Stanford University graduates to pursue their life dreams as well as setbacks.
Berkeley scientists say with MRI and computer models they can reconstruct our visual experiences, paving the way to reproduce our mental movies, such as dreams and memories.
$6 million to fund an institution that would be capable to educate an infinite amount of students throughout the world sounds ambitious if not crazy. Nevertheless Shai Reshef, founder and […]
The same basic impulses – insatiable curiosity, good people skills, an appetite for risk – that led Kevin Mitnick into a decade-long game of cat-and-mouse with the FBI are richly rewarded in more prosocial professions.
Berkeley scientists say with MRI and computer models they can reconstruct our visual experiences, paving the way to reproduce our mental movies, such as dreams and memories.
The USB stick in your hand contains a zip file with your genome on it. You insert the drive into the side of your computer and click the button on the screen that says “Upload.” The machine spits out a prognosis. The secret to your very own personal happiness.
Presumably, if we better anticipate its timeline, we will carve a path that makes the Singularity era most beneficial to our species.
A programmer from Nevada is testing the old probability axiom that a million monkeys on a million typewriters would eventually compose the complete works of William Shakespeare.
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Richard Branson all dropped out of school before becoming huge successes. They are exceptions, to be sure, but should we reconsider the value of higher education?
Investment decisions are no longer being made by financiers, but increasingly by Ph.D. mathematicians and the immensely complex computer programs they devise.
Every few years the job market changes and the educational market changes along with it. As one new hot career comes up, there is always a degree or program that […]