You run the innovation playbook – a prophetic strategy, a product development obstacle course of a process, a portfolio management radar detection system and a wide array of eccentric creativity […]
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You searched for: Computers
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh have successfully coaxed semiconductor electrons into vacuum tubes, preventing nano-sized collisions that slow down computing speeds.
In January Stanford President John Hennessy said in a Faculty Senate meeting that online education is a tsunami academia has to face. He added that “We want to get ahead […]
A young Russian entrepreneur is courting the world’s richest men and women to fund his plans to make humans immortal. Called the 2045 Initiative, the quicker funding is found, the better.
We almost take it as an article of faith that our mobile devices are getting smarter and smarter, that each new product cycle represents a step forward in the evolution […]
Delivering a lecture at Trinity College, Dublin, the American geneticist spoke on how modern science has changed the parameters of life and how we are close to creating synthetic life.
A camera, worn on a finger and providing data to a smartphone, combines augmented reality with wearable technology.
Steve Carlotti, CEO of The Cambridge Group, says Apple’s success is due to the company’s ability to uncover latent demand.
Software developed for Microsoft’s workplace social network, Yammer, can gauge the emotions of employees using the network by analyzing the messages they sent through it.
Several research projects are currently working to make robots more responsive to children’s needs, and new research suggests that the physical presence of robots helps kids learn.
The plug has recently been pulled on Stuxnet, which is one of the most powerful computer viruses to be launched and aimed at Iran. However, cyber security experts worry that others of its type will surface.
Computer algorithms can already recognize the kind of music most people like but will they ever create original compositions that suite our taste? One programmer says yes, definitely.
An award from the John Templeton Foundation will seek to answer important scientific questions about immortality, such as how experiences of the afterlife vary across cultures.
Today’s mobile phones are yesterday’s supercomputers, which make them powerful enough to suit the needs of aerospace engineers, who want to create a future of micro-satellites.
My first book hasn’t been out for long, but I’m thinking it’s almost time to start writing the next one. I came back from my trip to the U.K. with […]
Access to mobile computing, to allow employees to check email outside of working hours, increases productivity up to a point. After that it just burns people out and makes them unhappy.
Jeff DeGraff: At Christmas, I change from one culture into another and yet another still and back again.
What evolution and computer science have taught us is that comprehension is not required for competence. Similarly, the human mind may not be so mysterious as is often thought.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson, who ought to know, says that the future won’t be anything like The Terminator. “I live in the real world, and in the real world that’s simply […]
The most basic definition of collective intelligence is to get group of people to do something collectively that seems intelligent. A profound definition is the creation a global brain.
A team of University of Michigan researchers are experimenting with 145 differently shaped nanoparticles in an attempt to create new materials that can be engineered on the smallest level.
The Turing Test, which is based on language processing, is seen by many as imperfect. That is why a group of scientists at the University of Exeter in England have proposed a “Turing Test 2.0.”
By the year 2020, the world’s leading maker of wireless network equipment estimates that machines will interface with other machines more often than they will interact with humans.
Researchers at an English university have created a robot that learns language like an infant. The achievement represents a major advance in the creation of artificial intelligence.
A panel of cosmologists recently affirmed that the laws of physics, specifically quantum mechanics, can explain why the Universe exists without appealing to divine powers.
Can the human mind be explained as a solely material thing? Can a machine ever be conscious?
A new app for the iPad, which presents readers with chucks of text more like flashcards than words in a conversation, claims to be able to increase your reading speed by 30% to 300%.
Access to mobile computing, to allow employees to check email outside of working hours, increases productivity up to a point. After that it just burns people out and makes them unhappy.
A recent computer virus highlighted by cyber security is believed to be politically influenced for use against Iran. This new information leads cyber researchers to believe governments may possibly be headed into a cyber war.
By Peadar Coyle It is said that education is something people have strong opinions about. A growing literature has emerged around randomized evaluations of interventions, most notably Esther Duflo’s work on […]