It’s often said that every element was made in a star, but there’s more to it than that.
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You searched for: Computers
An unbelievably clear look at what goes on inside our bodies.
Happy birthday to Pluto, discovered on this day in 1930. Pluto, first discovered in 1930, was no more than a distant dot in our most powerful telescopes. Clyde Tombaugh’s original images […]
Not only can’t astronomers and planetary scientists agree, but the IAU made it worse for everyone. If you were alive in 2006, you likely remember a momentous event in astronomy: […]
A new study shows how machine-learning methods could examine your friends’ past tweets to accurately predict your future behavior online.
That’s a sharp increase from the 1960s when it took the same share of scientists an average of 35 years to drop out of academia.
Even when they suffer costs in doing so.
Please tell me that Internet trolls didn’t just get a huge leg up.
On Tuesday, eight science-credentialed candidates were elected to the House of Representatives.
Researchers at Princeton engineer a new type of diamond with silicon and boron that solves past issues with quantum data storage and retrieval.
Microbes screened with a new microfluidic process might be used in power generation or environmental cleanup.
Climate-driven changes in phytoplankton communities will intensify the blue and green regions of the world’s oceans.
Any music lover who subscribes to a streaming-music service such as Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, or the like has entered into a bargain that represents a profound shift in the […]
Inconceivable wealth. And a few lessons in how not to get rich, too.
The National Institutes of Health recently began a $300-million study to examine the effects of screen time on developing brains.
Scientists discovered microbes that have lived on Earth for millions of years.
More and more companies are incorporating machine-based intelligence in decision-making processes. Computers are great at numbers and finding meaningful trends in big data, so this makes sense. On the other […]
The Tesla CEO said the Hardware 3 upgrade has “1000 percent more capability” than the current hardware.
Researchers at MIT have created what may be the smallest robots yet that can sense their environment, store data, and even carry out computational tasks. These nanorobots are the size of a human cell and they could flow through intestines or pipelines to detect problems.
With a new data run coming in 2019 at unprecedented sensitivity, we might finally get our answers. Over the past three years, LIGO discovered ten independent instances of merging black holes […]
Money may not buy you love, but it won’t break your heart either.
Multitasking has been shown to diminish our ability to learn, stress us out, and kill our productivity. Here are some techniques to limit multitasking and help us regain our lost time.
A new study warns of millions of “lost Einsteins.”
From psychology to neuroscience, what we believe is not nearly as relevant as why we do.
The biggest questions about cryptocurrency, answered.
And what do we still have left to learn? The original idea of a black hole goes all the way back to 1783, when Cambridge scientist John Michell recognized that a […]
A new paper estimates the low and high end of total electricity consumption by the Bitcoin network, but not all agree with the methodology.
Turns out those violent video games might be a blessing in disguise.
When you slow down after exiting the highway, or hush your voice in the library, you’re using this brain mechanism.