Forget the speed of light or the electron’s charge. This is the physical constant that really matters. Why is our Universe the way it is, and not some other way? There […]
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Hear Carl Sagan as you’ve never heard him before.
Strong performance has an enormous impact on an organization’s viability — it boils down to a team of highly effective, dedicated workers who can complete tasks quickly and efficiently.
With the new year fast approaching, people often start brainstorming some personal goals to improve themselves and their lives. However, these “New Year’s Resolutions” aren’t exclusive to individuals. Organizations can […]
You’d be amazed at what you can learn from even one single pixel. Over the past decade, owing largely to NASA’s Kepler mission, our knowledge of planets around star systems beyond […]
Are all those drunk animals on YouTube actually drunk? Zoologist Lucy Cooke examines what’s really going on when animals go, er, wild.
The design ethicist did not hold back his concerns when talking to political leaders.
An innocuous sounding company, Strategic Communications Laboratories, was banned by Facebook. But the data the company mined was used by Trump’s campaign to whip the electorate into political animosity.
There are millions of asteroids in the solar system. A new study might tell us where they came from.
A fresh take on the decades-old Drake equation incorporates new factors and greater uncertainty, suggesting a high likelihood that humanity is alone in the universe.
Elastic thinking is what endows us with the ability to solve novel problems and to overcome the neural and psychological barriers that can impede us from looking beyond the existing order.
Many organizations look for ways to improve their employee learning and development programs in the new year. One solution with proven results is self-directed learning.Self-directed learning, or SDL, is a process […]
There are certain skill sets that are crucial for professionals to be able to exercise in their work environment. Regardless of your industry, interpersonal skills (such as being able to […]
There’s no escaping its vast power and utility for the human enterprise. Stories, great tales, and songs have all been written about the all-mighty dollar. Here’s 10 documentaries that we think you’ll enjoy.
A very clever idea says there’s a ninth Solar System planet, larger than Earth, far beyond Neptune. Here’s why most scientists think it’s not real. It’s been nearly three years since […]
There’s no denying that technology has had an enormous impact on business communication—as well as almost every other aspect of business. The ability to instantly communicate with almost anyone from […]
The big, unknowable questions in life are seductive, but without small, trivial questions as insulation, those large mysteries can consume us.
6 min
Geologically, it might be the most intense Hawaiʻian eruption in over 200 years. But not a single person has died, thanks to science. Hawaii, a chain of islands in the Pacific […]
Every day, you and your coworkers make countless decisions and tackle numerous problems. We know that many of these decisions or problems are so tacit that we don’t even consider […]
“The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think,” Albert Einstein said. So go back to school, Ivy League style.
Artificial intelligence threatens to take over our entire world. And that’s only the 2nd most scary aspect about this documentary shared by Elon Musk.
Starbucks isn’t accepting bitcoin—yet.
Believe it or not, insects today are really tiny. How did pre-historic insects get so colossal, and why have they now shrunk in size?
For 100 million years, there was only creation in the Universe. Meet our first moments of destruction. The cosmic story that gave rise to us is a story rife with […]
They may have arisen less than 200 million years after the Big Bang, but the Universe was a very different place back then. When you look out beyond the Milky Way […]
You are going to die. So am I. These are facts.
Every week, we do a little round-up of comments from the Big Think Facebook. Here’s some of the more intriguing ones of the week.
Quantum particles are mysterious and difficult to track down, but neutrinos may be the most elusive quantum particles yet. The facilities designed to observe neutrinos are feats of engineering, and what they hope to uncover is profound.
A new study found that listening to other people speak—as opposed to just write—tends to make us think they’re more mentally capable.
The top 10 tech companies spend big bucks acquiring innovative startups and their brilliant technologies.