Should you find yourself speaking to a group of people and not connecting, you’re stuck in a situation that seemingly benefits no one. For some people it seems to come […]
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You searched for: Big Think
March is Women’s History Month, and Big Think+ is commemorating it with a collection of videos highlighting both women’s history, and the complicated choices facing women who are making history […]
Monsanto just lost a major court battle to a man who said he developed cancer after using Roundup.
‘Millennial’ doesn’t hold nearly as much meaning as Americans pretend it does. Here’s why.
Was the hamburger menu always so ubiquitous?
Some volunteers performed above chance. They weren’t the psychics.
Colonizing the Red Planet isn’t a bad idea in theory. But . . .
If all forms of energy experience gravitation, then why does dark energy make the expansion accelerate instead of slow down? Of all the revolutionary discoveries that we’ve made about the Universe, […]
“I used to mountain climb… If I can’t walk anymore, I’ll crawl.”
Study confirms the existence of a special kind of groupthink in large groups.
Some nations can’t afford to make climate change a political issue.
President Trump has called for Silicon Valley to develop digital precogs, but such systems raise efficacy concerns.
The recent debate between Slavoj Zizek and Jordan Peterson lived up to the hype.
If you traveled in a straight line for far enough, would you come back to where you started? If you were to set out on a journey from anywhere on Earth’s […]
The Pew Research Group conducted a survey on the most important life skills to several thousand Americans. Here’s what they said.
As companies begin to recognize diversity as an opportunity — and not just a problem to be solved — you might assume that your natural leadership ability will be obvious […]
Angie McArthur, CEO of Professional Thinking Partners and the co-author of Collaborative Intelligence, talks about keeping a relationship “clean.” She’s talking about dealing with misunderstandings before they have a chance […]
A seismic shake-up at a venerable literary gatekeeper. Shallow and not-so-shallow consumerism. The Paris Review’s new editor on old ghosts, new voices, and what’s worth keeping.
The coin depicts a black hole and one of the late physicist’s most important formulas.
A balanced discussion of the realities, the mythologies, and the concerns surrounding cutting-edge brain research.
Small sample size? No underlying theory? Conflicts with all other results? It checks all the boxes. There’s nothing that’s special, on a cosmic scale, about our place in the Universe. Not […]
In Canada and Austria, there are some signs that the young Swedish activist is already reshaping the political landscape.
Switching over to a vegan-based diet can drastically cut CO2 emissions. But will Americans actually change their diet?
That’s five more unicorns than the previous three years combined.
Gig workers suffer from low pay, wage theft, precariousness, dangerous working conditions, and discrimination.
Scientists actively researching this have known the answer for quite some time. It’s time for everyone to catch up. The Big Bang happened 13.8 billion years ago, and is generally regarded […]
The Flynn effect shows people have gotten smarter, but some research claims those IQ gains are regressing. Can both be right?
NASA JPL takes a first step toward a GPS for space.
The Zen of choreographer Merce Cunningham comes alive in a new documentary about his life.
This month’s release from Big Think+ is all about diversity and inclusion. These two intertwined objectives are on our minds a lot lately for their importance in the company cultures […]