As we gain new knowledge, our scientific picture of how the Universe works must evolve. This is a feature of the Big Bang, not a bug.
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You searched for: Big Think
A new episode of “Your Brain on Money” illuminates the strange world of consumer behavior and explores how brands can wreak havoc on our ability to make rational decisions.
Hindsight can cloud our predictive abilities but big data can de-mist forecasting — now AI is sharpening that focus.
Society treats teenagers as if they’re a problem to be solved, but the truth is that we have to prepare them to solve our problems. It’s time that we change the narrative.
It’s perhaps never been harder to resist the urge to overspend.
In the international competition, people with physical disabilities put state-of-the-art devices to the test as they race to complete the tasks of everyday life.
Harnessing the power of emotional intelligence in the workplace can improve both employee and operational performance.
We all know that work-life balance can be difficult, but do we make it harder on ourselves by how we choose to conceptualize the idea? More specifically, is the concept […]
Adult learning theory is a guidepost for designing training for maximum engagement.
Sometimes the value of soft skills feels almost secretive—like some scrap of knowledge handed down through an ancient society of corporate recruiters. Of course, that’s not the case or that’s […]
In the shadow of the Shard, the mosaics help paint a picture of Roman London.
If it weren’t for the intricate rules of quantum physics, we wouldn’t have formed neutral atoms “only” ~380,000 years after the Big Bang.
The fruits of long-term thinking will reveal themselves in five or ten or 30 years, when you’ve created the future you’ve always wanted.
Recasting the iconic Carrington Event as just one of many superstorms in Earth’s past, scientists reveal the potential for even more massive eruptions from the sun.
There’s never been a better cultural moment to capitalize on microlearning.
Society-changing ideas form through a three-stage process, argues author Michael Bhaskar.
Man seeking meaningful relationship at the intersection of on-demand empathy and Rule 34.
Slack’s recent radical upskilling booster week highlighted the urgent need for new approaches to L&D: here are some of the most groundbreaking.
Scientists have long puzzled over how Mars, a cold and dry planet, was once warm enough to support liquid water.
The Universe isn’t as “clumpy” as we think it should be.
Although we still don’t know the question, we know that the answer to life, the Universe, and everything is 42. Here are 5 possibilities.
In just a few seconds, a gamma-ray burst blasts out the same amount of energy that the Sun will radiate throughout its entire life.
Setting resolutions for the new year means you think the future is up to you — but is it?
Fossil Cycad National Monument held America’s richest deposit of petrified cycadeoid plants, until it didn’t.
There’s a lot to love about the innovations of Scrivener 3 for the Mac.
∆G = ∆H – T∆S is one of the most abstract formulas in science, but it is also one of the most important. Without it, life cannot exist.
Nietzsche both wished he was as stupid as a cow so he wouldn’t have to contemplate existence, and pitied cows for being so stupid that they couldn’t contemplate existence.
How much can something change and still be the same thing?
It took 9.2 billion years of cosmic evolution before our Sun and Solar System even began to form. Such a small event has led to so much.
A five-year-old reading a picture book in her pillow fort. A college student and his friends at the midnight matinee. A ninety-year-old watching her soaps. What do they have in […]