Do smarter students smoke more pot? According to the video below by DNews, children who tested as having high IQs were more likely to grow up to smoke a […]
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Kepler took a look at 150,000 stars, searching for habitable worlds. Based on what it found, how many should be in our galaxy? “I’m sure the universe is full of […]
There are six cardinal rules that can determine if your viral campaign will be successful or not: clarity, ease, immediacy, multiplicity, versatility, and the ability to make participants feel good about themselves for having taken part.
What every middle-to-high schooler should know. Image credit: Bayside STEM academy, via Stanford at “Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time […]
How to destroy an Alderaan-sized planet. “What’s that star?It’s the Death Star.What does it do?It does Death. It does Death, buddy. Get out of my way!” –Eddie Izzard It’s one […]
Is a silly name to blame for the Wii U’s lack of success in the console market? Some critics blame poor marketing while others question Nintendo’s ambiguous balance between serious and casual gaming.
This is a classic science video that one can never watch too many times: Neil Degrasse Tyson on what is the most astounding fact. His answer will put your life […]
As Big Think reported, Neil deGrasse Tyson’s “Cosmos” was trending on Twitter during its Sunday night broadcast. During a photo shoot with, yes, GQ magazine, Tyson claimed that science is […]
A start up in New York called Bionic Yarn makes an innovative new fabric out of recycled ocean plastic. With Pharrell Williams and G-Star RAW on board, Bionic Yarn wants to start a environmentally-responsible fashion revolution.
Look up after sunset for the most reliable meteor shower of the year: the Perseids, and learn where they come from! Image credit: Michael Menefee (Fort Photo on flickr), via […]
If the products and services of U.S. companies are seen as “compromised,” technology executives worry that foreign consumers may abandon them in favor of “N.S.A.-resistant” products such as the blackphone that Big Think wrote about recently.
Research has uncovered that creative answers are best found in 30-50 minutes of concentration. Conversely, 30-50 minutes of relaxation can provide that unexpected piece of insight.
Yes, robots are becoming more sophisticated these days. As we reported here on Big Think, researchers in the US developed a method for robots to teach each other new skills. […]
The Nantucket Project sees art + commerce as “the new convergence” that defines our world today.
“Wu wei is an early Chinese term that means literally no doing or no trying,” says Edward Slingerland, author of the new critically acclaimed book about the power of spontaneity, Trying Not […]
The Myo armband, developed by Canadian company Thalmic Labs, allows wearers to control electronic devices with hand and arm gestures. The technology evokes sci-fi films such as Star Wars and Minority Report.
Thanks to modern folklore, many of us believe that men think about sex every seven seconds, amounting to 514 sexual thoughts per hour, or 7,200 each day. If that seems high to you, you’re not alone.
The new sci-fi thriller “Lucy”, written by Luc Besson and starring Scarlett Johansson, has rekindled the popular notion that humans only use a small portion of their available brain power.
Twenty-three centuries after Euclid of Alexandria composed his Elements of Geometry, some of his favorite shapes – including the triangle, square, and circle – were re-released as repositionable wall graphics […]
The scariest of all possible fates results in the ultimate destruction of everything that ever was or will be. Image credit: Boren-Simon 2.8–8 ED POWERNEWT Astrograph Image Gallery. “Why do […]
“Education must be the only sector that hasn’t already been completely revolutionized by technology,” says Wendy Kopp, the CEO and co-founder of Teach For All, and the founder and chair […]
Do you remember what it was like to use a rotary phone? Or flipping through less than a dozen available television channels? That AOL CD-ROM? The list of extinct, or […]
The opportunity to get away from it all was even enshrined in the Wilderness Act of 1964, which defines wilderness as a place that “has outstanding opportunities for solitude.”
Widener University’s Dr. Hal Shorey has put forward five suggestions we can all take to keep a normal argument from turning into relationship poison.
The late author and professor famously dissected the falsely perceived equivalency between ignorance and knowledge in a 1980 Newsweek piece titled “A Cult of Ignorance.” One wonders what Asimov would say about the current conflict between science and opinion.
All the questions about the meaning of life, Plato found, belonged to the same area of knowledge, which we now call philosophy. Plato made the quest for understanding life one […]
Half of computer programmers surveyed by the Financial Times expect machines to outsmart humans by 2040, and a stunning 90 percent expect this “superinteliigence” to emerge by 2075.
Did you know 20% of startup ideas are thought up on vacation? Taking time off frees up your mind to focus on insight and creativity.
Two tech security researchers will present findings later this week indicating how and why USB as a technology is dangerously susceptible to malware and other breaches.
Many menus are meticulously designed not to inform the customer but to influence him/her to spend more money. The secret is psychology.