By simply concentrating on being present for a short amount of time each day, your mind will naturally prioritize events and keep you calmer and more focused in the office.
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You searched for: Big Think
The singularity is near! Our smart phones and laptops will one day seem like the gadget equivalent of the horse-and-buggy compared to the machines we will rely on in the […]
Mothers are grateful for the opportunity to be in an adult context and to reclaim their identity that is not limited to motherly responsibilities: feeding, cleaning, and clothing someone who can’t take care of themselves.
Live-streamed from Perimeter Institute, & exclusive real-time commentary! “Every generation of physicists solves some old puzzles and finds some new ones.” –Dr. Kendrick Smith I want you to think back […]
A study completed at Cornell University found that adults who don’t eat breakfast tend not to overcompensate by eating larger or unhealthier meals during the day.
If there’s something before the Big Bang, then what does that mean for the beginning of our Universe? “You can try to lie to yourself. You can try to tell […]
A commonly reported anxiety dream is standing in front of an audience naked. Neuroscientist James Fallon lived this nightmare. While giving a talk in Oslo to leading researchers and a […]
The authors of a recent Harvard Business Review article explored the snowball effect that causes poor decisions to cascade into full-blown behavioral norms.
Instead of outsourcing your company’s brand evangelism you can just treat your employees well. Happy employees will advocate for your brand for free.
Telecommuters are able to be more creative, adapt personalized work habits, and set their own boundaries. Many believe that leads to higher productivity.
It’s fairly well-understood that the current generation of new employees doesn’t expect to remain in the same job for longer than five years. If you want to keep your millennials from moving on to new employment, you have to incentivize their staying on.
If a CEO enjoys last minute getaways to the island of Mustique and lavish shopping sprees, favorite pastimes should not concern shareholders. Or should they? It turns out that materialism […]
You wouldn’t likely shop online for new shoes or look up baseball stats at a meeting held in your office, but what about on a conference call? The cloak of invisibly is powerful freedom…
The music we listen to strongly informs our emotions and choosing the right tunes can easily alter how we interact with our surroundings: a romantic song for date night versus a get-up-and-go song for the morning commute.
Begun in 1938 when Harvard University began following 268 undergraduate males, the longest longitudinal study of development in human history has been completed and the results are in.
Different times of the day are more productive than others, but which times those are varies from person to person.
There are some industries in which a company that embraces quirkiness can thrive and succeed on the strength of its authenticity.
From pinpointing different brain regions to the treatment of neurological disorders, scientists have demonstrated that the brain is a highly plastic organ capable of learning new things well into the later stages of life.
Leila Janah, founder and CEO of the non-profit business Samasource, describes the organization’s core concept as a way for technology “to unlock human talent wherever it may happen to reside.” Sometimes […]
An op-ed piece in the Los Angeles Times by sociologist Phil Zuckerman supplied a reassuring answer for secular parents: absolutely. In the face of a previous study finding that children […]
Google CEO Larry Page recently stated that he’d rather leave his fortune to Elon Musk than give it to charity, arguing that funding Musk’s work with SpaceX will better serve humanity.
ABC News correspondent Dan Harris discusses how mindfulness helped him recover from an on-air panic attack.
The design company behind Turkish Air and Lufthansa’s rebranding is working to create a new airplane interior that will save space, economize fuel use, and make your travel experience more comfortable.
Stephen Dubner talks about the importance of thinking small in order to tackle some of the world’s biggest problems piece by piece. Dubner is the co-author of Think Like a […]
9 min
If somebody tells you the risk of something is “1 in a million” or “1 in ten thousand” or even “1 in ten”, you still don’t know nearly enough to gauge how big or small that risk actually is. Get more information before you decide how worried to be.
The first Bitcoin ATM in the US opened in Austin, Texas. And the virtual currency gained outspoken support from CEO Patrick Byrne, who launched reward features for Bitcoin spenders. […]
How does government regulate for the future? Big Think sat down with Former U.S. Representative Barney Frank at Exponential Finance, presented by Singularity University & CNBC to discuss this idea. […]
Kluger discusses why narcissists excel in politics and rates the narcissism of those who have called the White House home.
When the Common Core was introduced as a national standard for English and mathematics classes, it was adopted by 45 of 50 states, but the homeschooling movement has opposed it.
The billions of dollars spent on new technology have produced data that is “pretty weak”, according to Tom Vander Ark, the former executive director for education at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.