Researcher Christin L. Munsch breaks down how being economically dependent on a spouse may cause some men and women to stray.
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You searched for: Big Think
In a Big Think interview, David Westin, who ran ABC News for 14 years, laid out the steps that NBC needs to take to keep Brian Williams at the anchor desk and recover from Choppergate.
3 min
On Friday 27 February, Big Think partner PwC hosted its second global webcast focused on the question, ‘What would you do if you were not afraid?’ The webcast was part of ‘Aspire to Lead: The PwC Women’s Leadership Series’.
58 min
An incredible live-blog of an incredible event. “It’s becoming clear that in a sense the cosmos provides the only laboratory where sufficiently extreme conditions are ever achieved to test new […]
We all want to be financially stable and enjoy a well-funded retirement, but we don’t want to squander our hard-earned money on poor investments.
Our successes and failures are similarly linked to others, though we may feel their effects only personally. Every choice you make, every behavior you exhibit, and even every desire you have finds its roots in the social universe.
Khan Academy founder Salman Khan explains how always dreaming big and setting audacious goals got him to where he is today.
2 min
You have been predicted — by companies, governments, law enforcement, hospitals, and universities. In this lesson excerpt from Big Think+, Eric Siegel, author of Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die, explains why these entities not only have the power to predict the future “but also to influence the future.” rn
3 min
When big companies put their brand on stadiums, does it change consumer behavior?
Mark Rothko’s suicide colored how we’ve seen his art ever since. His son’s book paints a brighter, richer picture.
Successful presenters understand that it’s not about them; it’s about their audience, so says Chris Anderson, the curator of TED Talks.
2 min
Words of wisdom from public intellectual Noam Chomsky: “One of the problems of organizing … is that people tend to think — even the activists — that instant gratification is required. You constantly hear: ‘Look I went to a demonstration, and we didn’t stop the war, so what’s the use of doing it again?'”
How do you increase the chance that a user will comment on your photo? Researchers say use a warm filter.
So-called structured procrastination could help you be as productive as your go-getter peers.
Students may need to sleep on a lesson before they are able to fully comprehend and apply the new information they’ve learned.
After hydrogen and helium, the periodic table is full of surprises. “The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.” –Harlan Ellison One of the most remarkable […]
By examining our minds at a quantum level, we change them, and by changing them, we change the reality that shapes them.
In the 10 years since it went public, YouTube has been a hot topic for cultural critics and experts on innovation. We take a look at the site’s past and the promises for its future.
Professor Michio Kaku delivers a glimpse of where science will take us in the next hundred years, as warp drives, teleportation, and time travel converge with our scientific understanding.
One of the world’s foremost psychiatrists specializing in PTSD recently visited Big Think to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic disorders.
The most powerful accelerator in the world found the Higgs, but might not find anything else. What should come next? “It is no good to try to stop knowledge from […]
Words of wisdom from one of the 20th century’s most fascinating polymaths: “The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is more important than the eye … The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.”
Kip Tindell, featured today on the Big Think homepage, is CEO of the Container Store. He’s also an evangelist for integrity-based sales and brand-building through sales rather than marketing.
The cologne marketed to men as “catnip for women” actually works. Only, not on women, but on jungle cats. “The impact of an attacking tiger can be compared to that […]
LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman has analyzed inherent contentions between workers and their bosses. His conclusion is that both sides operate under dishonest guises. An honest assessment of work roles could go a long way toward improving the professional relationship.
Vince Lombardi famously once said, “Winners never quit. Quitters never win.” But a new study finds otherwise.
From a personal tutoring service for his young cousin, Salman Khan’s company Khan Academy has grown exponentially into a massive, global, online engine for learning.
5 min
When confronting a challenge, people with an optimistic outlook persist at trying to overcome that challenge about 20 percent longer than those with less optimism.
A great many of our most popular songs are written at just a third-grade reading level. That’s the conclusion reached by an analysis of 225 popular songs.
Bill Nye: We May Discover Life on Europa Bill Nye (The Science Guy!) describes the possibility of discovering life on Europa, arguing that we might make such a discovery in […]