Clear skies? Go out and watch! Want a better show? Read on! “Every moment of light and dark is a miracle.” –Walt Whitman When it comes to meteor showers, most people […]
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You searched for: Asteroid
Coming to grips with the real changes.
Looks like the inner planets formed *after* the gas giants moved to their current position, and Jupiter ejected a fifth giant, too! “The stars look the same from night to […]
Asteroid mining will be a major engine for future economic growth, says author and entrepreneur Steven Kotler.
4 min
Without a boost, they’ll all come crashing down. “I’m here for several reason, Mr. Pepin, first of all for aid. When something tragic happens in our skies, we do our utmost […]
And it couldn’t have done it without the heat from our world. “Cheap little rhymesA cheap little tuneAre sometimes as dangerousAs a sliver of the moon.” –Langston Hughes If you’ve ever […]
The two best-explored outer Solar System worlds orbit one another. But no one was prepared for what New Horizons saw. “Just as a Chihuahua is still a dog, these ice dwarfs […]
An update on the star 1,480 light-years away that gave us hope we weren’t alone in the universe.
NASA’s Dawn Mission has finally photographed the full world at full resolution. Come see it! “Bringing an asteroid back to Earth? What’s that have to do with space exploration? If […]
The force that has only been seen on the largest cosmic scales affects smaller ones, too. We just need to look well enough. “There are still so many questions to answer. […]
If all the worlds formed together, they have the ingredients for life, too. Maybe it isn’t just Earth who got lucky. “If I had to describe myself to an alien […]
And the method teaches us just how far Pluto is from actual planethood. “Some kind of celestial event. No — no words. No words to describe it. Poetry! They should have sent […]
Some were kicked out of their Solar Systems at the beginning, while others never had a parent star at all. “The truth is you can be orphaned again and again and […]
Why look for rare, precious metals on Earth when you can find them here? “Well, this is a thing unheard of. An Elf would go underground, where a Dwarf dare […]
Not water, not ice, and definitely not aliens. Here’s how we know. “You are the salt of the earth. But remember that salt is useful when in association, but useless in […]
And it didn’t even need a transit to do it! “Mars is much closer to the characteristics of Earth. It has a fall, winter, summer and spring. North Pole, South Pole, […]
Forget asteroids, plagues, or zombies: The true apocalypse will (allegedly) be the curiosity of tattooed millennials.
With current technology, things might take generations. But that could be greatly reduced with a little help. “Oh, yes — I know you. There was a time you looked at the stars and […]
See it over the coming six weeks, before it disappears and heads out of the Solar System forever. “I have worn myself thin trying to find out about this comet, and […]
Astrophysicists contemplate whether “mirror” dark matter causes cancer.
Sure, they wiped out the dinosaurs, but do they really pose a risk to humans? “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind […]
Planet Nine? More like “Planet maybe.” “Finding out that something you have just discovered is considered all but impossible is one of the joys of science.” –Mike Brown Last week, the […]
And here’s the reason why, despite all you may have heard. “Thou shalt not embarrass thyself and thy colleagues by claiming false planets.” –Bill Cochran Late last year, one of the […]
The glorious meteor shower peaking this week is the most consistent, year after year. Here’s why. “Men of genius are often dull and inert in society; as the blazing meteor, […]
Live long and prosper…and try not to hit us, please.
Lemurs, humans, sea birds — they’re all at risk. But we can change our fates if we choose to acknowledge what’s happening.
We know that Einstein’s general relativity is superior to Newton’s gravity, but where did Newton go wrong? “To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or […]
Scientific innovation is not only one of America’s greatest successes, but also what makes America great.
The value locked away inside asteroids is enough to raise the world economic ceiling to unbelievable heights.
“What was scattered, gathers.What was gathered, blows away.” –Heraclitus When you think of our Solar System, you think of planets (and other object) orbiting our central star, with moons (or […]