Good versus Evil will always be the stock and trade of storytelling, especially in comic books. The skill of separating good guys from bad comes early to readers, with the […]
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You searched for: Adventure
Recognizing corporate corruption and ending abuses of power are noble goals. But our system of overseeing, controlling, and when necessary, punishing corporations and their executives is flawed.
Jules Verne used the failed project as inspiration for his last adventure novel
How a new year, a new platform, and the same core cosmic principles are coming together to bring you the greatest stories the Universe tells us about itself. “Beauty is everywhere […]
Does it reveal the location of the doldrums?
THERE IS something I must tell you about China: It is rather morally creative in the usage of its women. There isn’t a hotel, massage parlor, ktv, or conference hall in town […]
As the Arctic ice continues to melt due to rising global temperatures, Russia is aggressively pursuing new trading routes.
Agrawal’s adventures in leaving the well-trodden path behind and diving into the risky yet exhilarating unknown are the basis for Do Cool Sh*t: Quit Your Day Job, Start Your Own […]
4 min
Neuroscience provides a chemical explanation for why some people are extroverted — seeking constant company, novelty, and thrills — and why others prefer solitude, routine, and serious talk.
In addition to its humor, quality drawing, and thoughtfulness, the thing that separated the strip and its maker was the refusal to license and merchandize the work.
I could also title this column, Middle School: The Everlasting Black Hole of Education. I’m not an education expert, only a parent, but the trouble with middle school is easily […]
“Paranoia’s the garlic in life’s kitchen,” remarks the central character, Maxine Tarnow, of Thomas Pynchon’s latest novel, Bleeding Edge. “You can never have too much.” Pynchon seasons his latest epic […]
In this episode of The Amazing Adventures of Edward Snowden, our hero fools a cadre of journalists into believing he is en route to Havana in search of political asylum.
Interested people can now apply to take the Trekker — basically a “42-pound backpack” with 15 camera lenses attached — someplace Google hasn’t been yet.
If Miki Agrawal weren’t an actual person, you would think she had been designed by a consortium of Silicon Valley startups as the embodiment of millennial DIY entrepreneurship. The French-Canadian […]
Technology has a scarcity-liberating capability. It takes that which is scarce and can make it abundant.
Some unconvincing reasons not to philosophize.
When Man of Steel opened in theaters on June 14, 2013, it pulled in $116.6 million USD that opening weekend alone. Superman remains a box office bonanza in his eighth […]
So you might think I’m excessively anti-technological. That’s not true at all. I do think that liberal education should be a counterweight to all our technological obsessions. That means its […]
There is a tendency in our culture to single out one nutrient or ingredient as a quick fix.
In a controversial book, What Do Women Want? Adventures in the Science of Female Desire, journalist Daniel Bergner argues that female sexual desire is just as strong and just as […]
Look out, Tony Stark: Two Baltimore-based companies have teamed up to develop a suit that will allow the truly adventurous to dive to Earth from as high as 100 kilometers up.
I just got back from counseling at Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times (CRMFGT) in southern California. For those of you who are not familiar with CRMFGT, it’s a camp […]
No snark, no sarcasm, no judgement, just the genuine, honest answers to 22 creationist messages. “In science it often happens that scientists say, ‘You know that’s a really good argument; […]
“It may amuse you, Mother, to try to photograph during your solitude,” Julia Margaret Cameron’s daughter told her while presenting her with her birthday gift in 1863 while Mr. Cameron […]
As we keep pushing forward with technology, we’ll be able to take more and more data from the invisible parts of the world and start feeding them into our brain.
We don’t think or exist in empty space; we need nourishment from the earth, literally, to live and create.
Marriage has become a temporary link-up of working people who choose to spend some free time together. The model is not well-adapted to down times, and both parents and children lose out.
Sometimes what doesn’t kill us makes us weaker.
A true pacifist doesn’t even think there should be police forces. I can’t agree with that.