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Orion Jones

Managing Editor
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Stanford medical scientists have created a small wireless computer chip powered by magnetic currents that can navigate the body’s veins while monitoring health and releasing drugs.
The European physics lab OPERA, which claimed to have tracked neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light, has recanted. It says a bad GPS connection produced erroneous results.
When popular culture appropriates complex scientific theories, such as quantum mechanics, Joe Schmoe opines all over the Internet. Is it worth bringing science to the mainstream?
Facebook profiles assessed by a three-judge panel accurately reflected employee evaluations from each of the users’ employers. Should Facebook be used as a job-screening tool?
Since the Justice Department’s actions against Megaupload, copyrighters have begun winning major victories over online file-sharing programs. The Pirate Bay remains defiant.
Despite the homogenizing effect of globalization, many large cities retain their unique character. Indeed, cities can enact meaningful change when national governments will not.