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Associated Press’ standards editor Tom Kent says the war in Iraq is not over. Jim Romenesko posted a memo Kent distributed to AP staffers this week, instructing them not to […]
Activity at Sinabung continues to be a cause for concern as the volcano experienced another set of explosions overnight. Surono, head of the Indonesian Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation […]
“Culinary Luddism has come to involve more than just taste; it has also presented itself as a moral and political crusade—and it is here that I begin to back off,” says one historian.
“Colombia is no longer the most dangerous country in the Americas.” Government grants for would-be drug farmers and an increased provincial presence have stabilized many areas.
It’s a good year to die. Right now—for the first time in 94 years—there’s no estate tax. So if something should happen to you, your beneficiaries won’t have to pay […]
The prosecution of Roger Clemens for perjury is wasteful and hypocritical, says Steve Chapman at The Chicago Tribune. The Justice Department should have higher priorities.
If the current activity around the world wasn’t enough, I just found a report that Nevado del Huila in Colombia had an ash-producing explosive eruption today. The Colombian government is […]
Welcome to the next iteration of Eruptions! For everyone who has never seen Eruptions before, I thought I’d start off with a little introduction. My name is Dr. Erik Klemetti, I […]