Poll CTOs about game-changing technologies they’re watching, and I’ll bet the vast majority will put cloud computing at the top of the list. While cloud computing isn’t yet mature enough […]
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The Best ROI (Return On Investment) For Small And Local Businesses Is Email Marketing. Learn How To Make $60 Every Time You Spend $1.
So many small and local businesses like yours and mine come in contact with numerous customers/clients every single day. How much would our businesses prosper if we could find a way to capture their information and continually market to them and consistently make money from it?
There are few atheists serving the sick and wounded in our hospitals today.
10 Billion Beats is a non-commercial Global Intention Event that will use drumming to send a wave of positive intention around the world. Starting in Central Kansas, it will follow the sun through the time zones at 7:00 PM on Sept. 18, 2009. (Sept. 19 as it crosses the dateline)
an article I posted in businessweek about how the notion of the expansive corporation is receding and instead we are seeing the rise of free agents connecting around opportunities. It is in this new dynamic that I find a strong potential for a new economic revival.
Thomas Cooley writes about finding success during a downturn, and there couldn’t be a better time to refer to insider knowledge like his than right now. Consider the following statement […]
There were two big takeaways from last week’s Cornell Global Forum on Sustainable Enterprise. One was that Al Gore is a very busy man these days. The other is that […]
“European Union takes turn right.” I don’t agree with this headline which I’ve heard and seen in English several places such as BBC and NPR. I also don’t agree with low turnout being a referendum on dissatisfaction with the European Union. The daily advantages of easy travel and purchasing between countries seems to already be taken for granted.
These are not times for followers. Those who will succeed during the current economic downturn will have the traits of leaders. Self confidence A clearly articulated, and broad vision A […]
As a CTO/CIO, have you ever had this reaction? “Stupid users. If only they would ‘get it’ already!” Bad news: it’s never going to happen. Users will always push back […]
After massive layoffs, many people are itching to find new ways to earn a living…but the high cost of insurance may drive people back to corporations and the old ways of work.
Low-overhead, government run health facilities in low-income areas will change the face of the healthcare industry without expanding government power or tax dollars.
Center-right parties have won a majority of seats in Europe’s Parliamentary elections, the results of which were released today. If you thought the financial crisis had given capitalism a bad […]
The much-awaited Iranian elections occur this Friday. The incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been running a fiery campaign that became even more so when he took on his main rival Mir […]
At one point during Mahalo’s presentation at an NY Tech MeetUp last week, I couldn’t help but wonder how Wikipedia would fare if it weren’t a non-profit organization that relied […]
The emergence of powerful internet institutions, particularly in the area of search and semantics, is subverting the once vaunted democracy of the internet.
It’s an old cliché but it fits well all too often, “embrace change.” We’ve all heard this before at the corporate sales conference, just as the HR folks start warming up their pink slip pads for that strategically placed layoff.
Today is make it or break it for Gordon Brown, the embattled U.K. Prime Minister and leader of the Labour government. A rapidly evolving series of scandals is shaping the […]
Oh dear, the tech revolution. It sounds so scary if you’re not on board already. What can you do to make sure your business takes advantage of the technology that is constantly improving around you?
Harper’s senior editor and author Bill Wasik came by the studio yesterday to talk about the great liberties of the Internet, nano-narratives, short attention spans and flash mobbing a gigantic […]
Net neutrality in Britain might be on thin ice, but this week’s European Parliament elections could set a new course for digital legislation across the continent. The British government is […]
The much-heralded speech to the Muslim world is upon us. But just what will Obama say to the throng in Cairo tomorrow? Three writers share their guesses. Reza Aslan knows […]
When blue printing your SEO or Traffic strategy, it is very important to factor in algorithmic changes in search engine land. One day you can be riding high with a Ton of traffic producing a ton of money, the next day you are no where to be seen in the search engines. There are many different SEO tools that keep you ahead of the curve, so that you are prepared when it happens.
In all this neo-brain science talk, perhaps we are blurring the distinction between the mind and that big wrinkled organ between our ears. Missing the difference–between intellect, consciousness and the […]
One would think humans would have a notion of preservation lofty enough not to get too bogged down in the semantics of the climate debate, but such is not the […]
We all have many roles to play in life, and who we are and how we play them defines us.
Harper’s senior editor Bill Wasik comes to Big Think tomorrow to discuss viral narratives, social media and his new book, And Then There’s This. In addition to a career in […]
Introducing quality assurance into the American health care system is one of the topmost priorities of the administration’s reform plan. To explain just what quality would look like, Big Think […]