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“The economic case for global action to stop the destruction of the natural world is even more powerful than the argument for tackling climate change,” the U.N. will report this summer.
Obama’s deadline for closing Guantanamo having passed, “it’s unclear, as we sit today, whether it’s gonna close at all,” says Matt D’Aloisio, the founder of Witness Against Torture.
Climate change skeptics recently gathered in Chicago to exchange ideas and invectives over the largely accepted claims about the dangers of global warming.
Research completed by The Journal for Advertising suggests Americans have become increasingly self-confident and individualistic in the last three decades.
Meghan Daum at the L.A. Times says that despite Sarah Palin’s political stances, the former governor is entitled to be a feminist as long as she proclaims herself one.
Hollywood’s depiction of events like the war in Iraq, the global financial crisis and religious extremism are taking center stage at the Cannes Film Festival; here is the NYT review.
In a rare affront to tradition, civil servants in one Japanese region will soon be required to shave their beard after complaints were registered over the powerful facial hair.
English-only policies run contrary to America’s concept of liberty and fears of a multilingual society ignore many of the world’s nations which officially recognize multiple languages.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali thinks the American Academy of Pediatrics’ proposal to aid in female genital mutilation gives tacit support to a practice which should be condemned outright.
While Facebook and Google have come under recent attack for alleged violations of privacy, enforcement of existing laws should be prioritized over new regulation, writes the Economist.
Husna Haq at The CSM explains why she is and other Muslims are so offended by depictions of Mohammad and why it’s no surprise Pakistan has banned Facebook for the rest of May.
An American biologist, Craig Venter, is making waves after creating the first self-replicating cell whose DNA is synthetic; immediate uses could include synthetic vaccines and biofuels.