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The announcement that Susan Philipsz had won the Turner prize—Britain’s most embattled arts prize—was rendered almost inaudible by the chants and whoops of student protesters.
Geoengineering may sound like a bad action movie plot, but now scientists from the U.K. have published the first comprehensive assessment of this controversial climate change solution.
Hunger is not sexy. Hunger is not the new black. Hunger is not in style, this season or any other. President Obama knows instinctively that the most important issue is […]
Non-human animals are a lot smarter, and less “reflexive” or “instinct-based” than most people think. And maybe we humans are a bit more reflexive than we’d like to believe.
We have to stop kidding ourselves, Paul Krugman says. No one in Congress really cares about the deficit. Krugman’s right. As much as our politicians claim to care about the […]