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Before 2010 fades even further into the distance, I wanted to bring you Waq al-waq’s first (and possibly only) best of list.  That is, my pick for the two best […]
A new device worn on the arm or leg trains you to be aware of your brain function, so you can regain focus when you drift off at work, lose concentration on the back nine, or fall asleep at the wheel.
More than 30 years after NASA’s Viking landers found no evidence for organic materials on Mars, scientists say a new experiment on Mars-like soil shows Viking did, in fact, hit pay dirt.
The good news is, of course, is that the old are living longer and healthier than ever.  But, as I explained, the news in not all good for us old guys in […]
Mood rings famously are meant to change color to reflect the mood of the wearer. Some are cheap and ugly. Some are expensive and set in precious metal. All work using the same mechanics.