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“Climate change activists no longer dwell on impending climate doom, but on the economic windfall that will result from embracing the ‘green’ economy.”
A photo of one’s beloved activates the brain’s reward centers like a drug might; learning how to harness love could help relieve pain without drug-induced side effects.
The World has watched and cheered to the rafters the human drama unfolding in Chile. That thirty three miners could be trapped underground for two months, survive and be winched […]
Jamaican Prime Minister, Bruce Golding, in his interview with Big Think, confirms what we know: crime, like global capital markets, is uniquely, irrevocably networked. The rare drug crime might be […]
The Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party, the successor to the Mongolian Communist Party, has been in power for fourteen years out of sixteen years of post Communist Governments. The party asked […]
Hearing Sutherland at the Met: “It was…a reminder of how an exceptional gift, carefully developed and generously used, changed the operatic landscape.”