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The USA feels all people should have healthcare; young, old, immigrants, rich, poor.  So make everyone pay incrementally.  Support NATIONAL healthcare with NATIONAL SALES TAX on everything purchased; food, web […]
By funding Capitated Primary Healthcare for low-income individuals and families we can create a platform for quality and accountability that will transform and lower healthcare costs for everybody. Simply by moving the bottom we will cause a shift that will percolate through the whole system and bring change.
It’s a question every writer asks themselves, either in the midst of sorting through overdue bills, during the dead hours of a suffocating block, or upon receipt of another rude […]
The most important difference in Crete and the rest of Greece from the United States is that the majority of doctors here are well-trained and committed to good health care for their patients. Now is a good time for the U.S.A. to switch to Medicare Health Care for All: do away with superfluous paperwork, let patients keep their own records and take the temptation of pharmaceutical perks out of the doctor’s office.
Within the Bush era, the Congress had the worst record in history. Almost 99% Congressman and woman passed Bush’s choice of Iraqi war. We pay a huge price! Now I hope they make the right choice: delay the bill until the economy is fully recovery and the job employment rate stays at 3 to 4 %.rnrnLooking at the severity of our recession, timing is not right for this hurry and imperfect health care bill!rn
You may have missed it between the 40th anniversary of the first Apollo moon landing and the glowing tributes to the man who broadcast it to much of America, the […]
The next evolution of the computer age is perhaps upon us. No longer will we be concerned with hard drive size or ram. It will just be about speed to access the net and home computers will be merely portals
This essay describes a model for urban development that takes into account and makes use of the externalities that exist in the built environment. Buildings and the people that inhabitat them makes neighborhoods and vice versa the value of a building is in its locations. How can better frame this relationship between an object and its environment? How can develop strategies for a integral area development that learn from the best global examples?
Orasul Suceava se numara printre cele mai vechi si mai importante asezari ale tarii, in care a pulsat mereu si puternic o autentica viata romaneasca. Capitala a statului feudal Moldova, […]
Self-Reconfiguring Modular Robotics is going to have some profound consequences for business and society. It will simplify product development, revolutionise distribution, reduce costs so much it can transform our lives. It can also help us reduce our ecological footprint dramatically.
The institution of marriage hasn’t had a good go of it of late.  Not only is the gay marriage debate sparking animosity, but straight marriage has also been the victim […]