A California team is working on an app that will store an encrypted digitized copy of your genome. As expected, the technology comes with a host of privacy concerns.
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Communities that sign up with Recovers receive a personalized site that allows them to coordinate relief efforts more efficiently. The platform’s latest challenge: Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
So one reason for LIBERAL EDUCATION is to give students some sense of the genealogy of our ideas. It seems as if everyone believes in free persons these days. Not […]
Ekso Bionics is developing exoskeleton-like devices combined with robotics that will help people with walking difficulties get moving again.
Honda’s Miimo, recently released in the UK, is only the latest version to appear on the market, but despite the appeal of an outdoor equivalent of the Roomba, sales have been slow.
Seven years ago, FEMA was a four letter word. Public faith in the Federal Emergency Management Agency was decimated by the agency’s poor response to Hurricane Katrina. President Bush […]
Richer countries attempting to keep up with demand by fishing the waters of poorer countries need to rein it in, according to a newly released United Nations report.
Hurricane Sandy has introduced significant uncertainty into next Tuesday’s presidential election. But even without a natural disaster hobbling transportation and cutting off power to as many as 10 million people […]
The mineralogical makeup is consistent with that of volcanic soil similar to what’s found on the sides of Mauna Kea.
Approximately 20 bears are living on an iceberg off the Canadian coast, challenging assumptions about where the animals normally spend their summers.
Different audiences will try to answer the question “Did climate change cause Superstorm Sandy?” in significantly different ways. I am thinking of two; the ‘thought’ community of scientists and policy […]
A new report claims that due to climate change, crops from the banana family may end up replacing potatoes as a major food source.
For the amateur astronomer in your life: 16 terabytes’ worth of data from the orbiting telescope dating back to its 2009 launch. The science team wants help deciphering it all.
Dear Lover or Mistress: Let’s face it. No one’s making chicken soup for your cheating soul. You’re not well-liked. If you’re a public figure and you get caught, pundits will […]
My recent post “Building Justice” talked about how human beings have to work together if we want to build a just world to live in. I want to say some […]
Five hundred years ago today, Michelangelo unveiled The Sistine Chapel Ceiling to Pope Julius II. The next day, All Saints’ Day 1512, the Pope inaugurated the newly decorated chapel with […]
A professor has over 100,000 titles available on Amazon UK, all of them “written” by — not “with the help of”, but “by” — software he created.
Hurricane Sandy’s the hurricane from hell. It broke all records. It was the storm of the century. It is the hurricane we will tell our grandkids about.But can it happen […]
Over the summer, I had the opportunity to be at the historic K’s Hamburger in Troy, Ohio. For generations, republican presidential candidates have been stumping at this little hamburger shop […]
According to a recent opinion poll, 80 percent of them would feel “lost” without it, compared to 60 percent of older adults.
Channeling innovation and propelling yourself onto the path to success is easier said than done. So how do you create an environment that’s ripe for innovation?
The initiative has added works from new partners as well as a Hangout feature that lets users share and discuss their favorite pieces.
A new survey confirms it: Games are the most used apps on mobile devices. For tablets in particular, games and other types of entertainment take up nearly four-fifths of total usage.
Finally, we now have a viable proof-of-concept for the vertical farm idea that has excited environmentalists for more than a decade. Last week, Singapore opened the world’s first-ever commercial-scale vertical farm, […]
With help from a special government commission, publisher Grandpapier.org is one of several initiatives helping “the home of the comic book” regain some industry status.
Two major papers have recently been published that may or may not surprise you. Please excuse the sarcy title, in all seriousness these are fantastic papers that provide evidence for […]
Yesterday I argued that Hurricane Sandy may enhance President Obama’s prospects for re-election. Today, in the aftermath of the worst storm to hit the eastern seaboard of the United States […]
The massive hurricane bearing down on the eastern seaboard has disrupted both presidential campaigns. Mitt Romney cancelled trips to Virginia and New Hampshire and President Obama missed a trip to […]
A couple years ago, the government of New York City created a program on resilience to climate change and sea level rise. Many of the steps that program laid out […]
People in Italy, Spain, and other economically struggling countries are flooding German-language classrooms in hopes of securing better-paying work.