Condi’s freak-out comes midway through a Q & A on American foreign policy under Bush in a Stanford University dorm. One contrarian student decides to replay a scene from Smackdown, […]
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Local government can make billions of dollars / year by operating local, Narrow, State-chartered, 4% mortgage banks
The securities industry worldwide is constructed upon the quicksand of self-delusion and socially-acceptable confabulations. These serve to hold together players and agents whose interests are both disparate and diametrically opposed. In the long run, the securities markets are zero-sum games and the only possible outcome is win-lose.
It has become fashionable to castigate Twitter – the microblogging service – as an expression of rampant narcissism. Yet, narcissists are verbose and they do not take kindly to limitations imposed on them by third parties.
Biofuels are the poster children of such good intentions gone terribly awry. Rather than retard global warming, scientists (such as Holly Gibbs, a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford’s Woods Institute for the Environment, Matt Struebig from Queen Mary, University of London, and Emily Fitzherbert from the Zoological Society of London and University of East Anglia) are now warning that they may enhance and accelerate it by encouraging deforestation in the tropics.
The pursuit of “energy security” has brought us to the brink. It is directly responsible for numerous wars, big and small; for unprecedented environmental degradation; for global financial imbalances and meltdowns; for growing income disparities; and for ubiquitous unsustainable development.
The 2008 Election Campaign provided the nation with an enormous amount of much need sunlight. Now, the Obama victory has completely altered the lexicon of race in American life.
Obama’s early life was decidedly chaotic and replete with traumatic and mentally bruising dislocations. Mixed-race marriages were even less common then. His parents went through a divorce when he was an infant (two years old). Pathological narcissism is a reaction to prolonged abuse and trauma in early childhood or early adolescence. The source of the abuse or trauma is immaterial: the perpetrators could be dysfunctional or absent parents, teachers, other adults, or peers.
After buying an emptied four-story hotel in London two years ago, British hedge funder Chris Rokos submitted plans to local authorities to convert the building into an eight-bedroom home complete […]
At a 102 days and counting, we mined the Big Think archives for campaign-era Obama vids. Here’s the gold we found. Last spring, Johns Hopkins Professor an Iran expert, Azar […]
Most people already know Jack Welch. He’s the former General Electric CEO who now just may be the only septuagenarian with a Twitter feed. But it’s his wife, Suzy, who […]
Globetrotter, soul-seeker and author of Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert landed at Big Think to share her thoughts on love, sexuality, marriage, and intimacy. When we asked her for the […]
We’re blindsided by the concept, but the truth is that Bob Saget may have foretold the future of entertainment, and it has nothing to do with the Olson twins. But […]
Apologies for blurring thought and common sense here, but in case the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations were insufficient, we’ll add in some out-of-the-box thinking on staying healthy […]
Politicizing the federal deficit has long been a campaign maneuver to get out the votes and make the other candidate look responsible for all our financial woes. When Big Think […]
Clothes dryer? Try a rack. Microwave? Light up the stove. Dishwasher? Your two hands are just fine. In recalculating their household expenses, Americans seem to be discovering the recession doesn’t […]
With a name inspired by IBM and a cold and, dare we say, machine-like demeanor, 2001: A Space Odyssey’s HAL has become one of filmdom’s most enduring characters. But in […]
The Times’ Jeff Zeleny might have gone a bit too far with his adjectives at last night’s 100-day press conference. Zeleny asked Obama to tell the world what surprised, humbled, […]
There isn’t any data supporting this fact, per se, but it is possible that images of Mario and Pac-Man are as instantly indelible as some of history’s most famous portraits, […]
The new brain sciences are upon us. There’s neuroeconomics to analyze how we make financial decisions. There’s neuromarketing to sell our brains stuff. There’s Ray Kurzweil to explain how our […]
Between colleagues an inconformity movement was generated face to the passivity of the city. It was in the direction to oppose this situation that grew in this artists the idea of formation of the “Group of the Independent ones”. Independent to the stylistics positioning.
Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter was never quite a darling of the right, but his abandonment of the Republican Party—announced today—does more than raise the ire an already struggling conservative political […]
How does a president simultaneously extricate a country from myriad domestic crises, play a strong hand overseas to end inherited wars, stave off new wars, control a pandemic from swine, […]
Big Think’s latest livecast will feature Wolfram Research founder Stephen Wolfram and Harvard Law professor Jonathan Zittrain as they offer a look at the Wolfram Alpha, a soon-to-launch engine that […]
A growing chorus of academics wants to count higher education along with health care and fossil fuel dependency as one item on the list of “big reforms of our time.” […]
Clintonian Democrat, lefty progressive, restrained partisan, closet wonk, post-racial unifier, hunk. The monikers used to describe Barack Obama’s executive style swirl about the man in a cloud of political columnist […]
In a week that saw plenty of quarterly reports see the light of day, two in particular caught the eye of couch potatoes everywhere. Are televisions the latest casualties of […]
In blogospheric guru Adam Singer’s ever expanding quest to help us all become more productive and valuable individuals, he takes on the bane of creatives everywhere: overthinking. It keeps us […]
The one-hundred day shindig is not only being celebrated by the president this week but by the entire White House hierarchy. Though a bit on the sleepy side, Assistant to […]
A plan is herewith presented whereby local governments will start 4,000 Narrow, State-Chartered, Community Banks and specialize in giving 4% mortgage loans.